Inspection of movement between municipalities motivates protests in Porto: ″ It’s a clown ″


The inspection and awareness-raising operation of the PSP in Porto, within the framework of movement restrictions between municipalities to curb the covid-19 epidemic, took place early in the morning in a “very positive” way, but with protests from some drivers.

“At this time [cerca das 09:00] We are satisfied with the development of the operation, because the people we have approached are complying, they have justifications to be able to leave the municipality. I am not aware of any situation that is violating the law, ”said Commissioner António Antunes.

In this operation, which takes place in the Rotunda of Castelo do Queijo, in Porto, which is located a few hundred meters from the neighboring municipality of Matosinhos, PSP “tries to find a balance between the impositions imposed and the development of activities so that the country can advance. “added the commissioner.

However, not all motorists understood the Government’s decision to condition the movement of people outside the municipality of residence, which lasts until 6:00 am on Tuesday, to try to stop the spread of the coronavirus that causes the disease. 19.

“This is a working day, this is a joke, these gentlemen who do not take the population into account, are an anti-popular measure. This only shows the incompetence of the Government. This is what I have to say,” said Mário Rui Andrade .

The measure aims to prevent people from moving outside the municipality where they reside, but it has several exceptions, such as travel for work or school reasons, and exempts various professionals, such as health workers or security forces.

“This is ‘Kafkaesque’, not even in Africa it is like that. I want to know if I am not going to work who pays me. This is unconstitutional, my daughter will be late for classes,” lamented Henrique Brito and Faro, referring to the traffic queues generated for police action.

This driver also criticized the fact that the inspection focuses only on cars.

“If I take the bus, I can pass, but if I take the car, I have to stop. Take me prisoner if you want, but today I’m going to the farm, today I’m going to the Duero,” he said.

More exhaustively, graphic designer Joana Gonçalves told Lusa that “we all have to do our best” because the country is “reaching a situation that may be unaffordable for the National Health Service.”

“If we can all do a little bit, it costs nothing. It’s just a matter of being prudent and asking for statements in time,” added Joana Gonçalves, who came from Valongo for a consultation in Porto.

Catarina Bulcão admitted that, “for those who did not count, this stop may be incomprehensible”, due to the accumulation of traffic, although it was not.

“I came early enough for them [os seus filhos] It is not late, but for those who are not counting it it is boring, “he said.

Another driver, who did not want to be identified, also expressed his dissatisfaction, considering that the decision to limit circulation between municipalities “goes beyond all limits.”

“Blocking the entrances when it is known that people come to work and come to study is not enabled,” he emphasized.

Pedro Quintela considered that it is “a measure that aims to control the spread of the virus” and, in that sense, it must be accepted.

“I do not know if it will have the desired effect or not. We have to comply and that is what I will do. It is a way of appealing to the responsibility of others. It may make sense. I hope so, we will see,” he said, in statements. to Lusa.

The period in which the movement of people between provinces is conditioned includes All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 1, and the Day of the Dead, the next day, when many Portuguese go to cemeteries.

To ensure compliance with the measures, the PSP and the GNR carry out patrol, awareness and inspection operations throughout the country, and the restrictions occur at a time when the number of cases of contagion by the coronavirus has increased, responsible of coviditis, in Portugal. -19.

To move between municipalities, people must be accompanied by a justifying statement from the employer or make a statement, under honor, if the move occurs between neighboring municipalities to the habitual residence or in the same Metropolitan Area.

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 1.1 million deaths worldwide since December last year, including 2,428 in Portugal.

Given the increase in cases, the Government will meet in an extraordinary Council of Ministers on Saturday to analyze new restrictive measures.
