Influenza Vaccine Available Today for Priority Populations – News


The National Health Service vaccination campaign, which usually begins on October 15, begins at the beginning of this year with a first phase for which there are 350,000 vaccines available.

Nursing home residents, healthcare professionals, social sector caregivers and pregnant women are among the most vulnerable and will be the first to be vaccinated.

In the second phase, which will begin on October 19, other risk groups are included: people 65 and over and people with chronic diseases.

“We want to vaccinate as soon as possible and we are planning with the regional health administrations to, if necessary, expand the vaccination points to other community structures” in addition to the health centers, said the general director of Health, Graça Freitas. when she announced this year’s vaccination season.

Graça Freitas appealed to all people who have a medical indication to get vaccinated, highlighting that this year, with the pandemic, it is “even more important that they do so.”

With covid-19 “it is advisable not to have other respiratory infections that can be confused with covid and that require a diagnosis to be made to see if people have covid or the flu,” he said.

In addition to the free vaccinations for people in risk groups, there will be vaccines for sale at pharmacies that can be purchased with a prescription and are reimbursable.

The NHS bought more than two million flu vaccines this year from two different companies, through public bidding, but all vaccines are the same.

The flu is a contagious disease and it usually heals on its own. Complications, when they arise, occur mainly in people with chronic diseases or over 65 years.
