INEM dismisses the regional director of the North who made his place available


The board of directors of the National Institute of Emergency Medicine (INEM) “accepted the request” of the regional director in the North, who made the place available after authorizing the vaccination against covid-19 of professionals from a pastry shop in Porto.

“The Board of Directors (CD) of the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM) accepted the request of the Regional Director of INEM in the North, who made his place available this Saturday,” reads a note shared on the institute’s website.

The regional director of the INEM in the North, António Barbosa, assumed on Saturday that he had authorized the vaccination of 11 employees of a nearby bakery, having rejected that it be favored, but to avoid wasting the vaccine doses.

According to his version, there were 11 more vaccines prepared for INEM staff than was considered necessary and the alternative to what he determined to be waste.

Given what is described in the regulation, the alternative to vaccinating nearby citizens would be to discard it, literally throw it away.“, he said, pointing out that it obeyed only one criterion of” availability and proximity “and not another.

In the note released on Saturday night, the CD of INEM said now to wait “with serenity” the development and conclusions of the survey that the General Inspection of Sanitary Activities (IGAS) will carry out to this vaccination process, expressing its full collaboration. to that inspection service for the investigation of facts “.

A response to Lusa’s requests for clarification stated, however, that “The terms stipulated for the administration of the vaccines after their thawing and dilution, as well as the logistics of this entire vaccination process, that is, the requirement of aseptic conditions in their preparation, would not allow the administration of these excess doses to people external, and in environments outside the INEM“.

On Saturday afternoon, António Barbosa said that he had made his place available to the administration – and had not submitted his resignation – after it was reported that the institute had vaccinated against the covid-19 employees of a pastry shop in Porto, confirmed to the Lusa institute. source.

According to the Correio da Manhã, which reported the news, “all the staff of the establishment, located next to the INEM, in Porto, have already received two doses of the vaccine.”

The situation in Porto is known after the National Association of Emergencies and Civil Protection (Aprosoc) denounced the vaccination of non-priority professionals at the INEM headquarters.

The institute then responded that it received 1,174 vaccinations, but as some essential professionals could not be vaccinated for health reasons, 92 doses remained that were given to other employees, as a way to avoid waste.

IGAS announced on Friday that it will verify compliance with the standards and guidelines applicable to the process of administering the covid-19 vaccine.

This inspection will cover, at this stage, the five regional health administrations, IP, hospitals, hospital centers and local health units of the National Health Service, as well as some entities that make up the central services of the Ministry of Health ”, IGAS said in a note posted on your website.

According to the IGAS, the inspection is based on three aspects: criteria for the selection of people to be vaccinated within the priority groups, procedures for the management of excessive doses and preventive measures for residues.
