INE / BdP. Almost a fifth of the companies closed their doors. The rest works (even partially), but the billing feels the crisis – Observer


Near 82% of companies remain in production or in operation, even partially, reveals the National Institute of Statistics, in a weekly survey that began to be carried out jointly with the Banco de Portugal and that refers to the week of April 6 to 10. The same study shows that 16% of companies were temporarily closed, while 2% indicated that they had closed permanently.

The study also shows that “37% of operating or temporarily closed companies reported a reduction of more than 50% in turnover and 26% reported a reduction of more than 50% in the number of people who actually work. “In sectoral terms, the Accommodation and restaurants. It is the sector that has the greatest impact due to the pandemic, the report added.

This is a survey that aims to identify some of the main effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on business activity. As INE explains, this “is based on a rapid response questionnaire on turnover, the number of workers, the use of public support instruments, the availability of liquidity, the use of credit and the prices charged.”

One of the conclusions of the study is that “the The proportion of companies closed (temporarily and definitely) is greater the smaller the size“One of the advanced charts by INE and BdP is the one that shows the distribution by size of the company.

Source: INE / BdP

The INE and the Banco de Portugal also present a breakdown by activity sector, where the much greater impact on Accommodation and restaurants..

Source: INE / BdP

The report also indicates that regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on turnover, 80% of the operating or temporarily closed companies reported a negative impact and 5% a positive impact.. The remaining 15% say there was no significant impact on billing.

Those with an increase in turnover are mostly “large” companies, 8% of those surveyed. In micro and small companies, this percentage is 4% and an average of 5%, which produces an average of 5%.

Here too Accommodation and restaurants. presents a higher percentage of companies with a reduction in turnover, the INE / BdP advances in the graph that is disaggregated by sector.

Source: INE / BdP

At this point, INE / BdP found that when companies were asked about “factors with a great impact on the reduction of turnover, companies were referred to more frequently absence of orders / customers and the restrictions in the context of the state of emergency “. “By sector, the percentage of companies that refers to the two previous factors is higher in the Accommodation and catering, Whereas restrictions in the context of the state of emergency are mentioned relatively less in the Industry and energy“Adds the report.

From another perspective, the report also showed that 26% of companies reported a reduction of more than 50% in the number of employees actually working and 22% reported reductions of between 10 and 50%.

The reduction in the number of employees actually working was mainly due to the dismissal simplified and, to a lesser extent, as a result of absences within the scope of the state of emergency, due to illness or family support, “says INE.

The report also indicates that there appears to be a “very small percentage of companies operating or temporarily closed.
measures announced by the government due to the pandemic, but there is a higher percentage that plans to benefit from these measures. In particular, 54% of companies have already benefited or plan to benefit from the suspension of the payment of taxes and tax obligations. Credit default appears to be significant for a smaller percentage of companies.

But A significant proportion of companies have neither benefited nor plan to benefit of each one of the measures considered individually ”, considers INE.

Source: INE / BdP

The report also showed that “almost 50% of companies say they do not have the liquidity conditions to stay in business for more than two months without additional measures to support liquidity ”.

This report will continue “as long as it is justified and desirably it will have a weekly frequency”, indicates the INE / BdP.
