In what situations can I or cannot leave my municipality of origin?


The pandemic will bring restrictions again in a few hours. The Government has decided to limit the movement of people outside the residence councils. Between 00:00 on Friday, October 30, and 06:00 on Tuesday, November 3, there are rules that you should keep in mind if you need to leave the county where you live, either to work, take a child to school , accompany a relative to a nursery, spend the weekend away because you have a hotel reservation or go to a public service. There are several situations provided for in the diploma that came out of the Council of Ministers and there are others in which nothing is mentioned.

I live in one municipality and work in another. What should I do to get around?

If you move between neighboring municipalities with your usual residence or in the same Metropolitan Area, you only have to declare with honor that it is for work reasons that you are moving.
If you are not covered by the above two cases, you must submit a statement from the employer.

Example: Those who live in Montijo and work in Lisbon do not need to present a declaration to go to work because they are circulating within the same Metropolitan Area of ​​Lisbon, although the municipalities are not bordering. But if you live in Cartaxo and work in Lisbon, you will already have to present an employer statement to justify your posting.

The same happens in the North, for those who live in Amarante and work in Mondim de Basto, simply declare in an honorary commitment that they will move for work reasons, since they move between municipalities that limit each other. If you live in Porto and you are going to work for Amarante, you will already be asked to have a statement from the employer, because you are not only leaving the Porto Metropolitan Area, but you are going to a municipality that does not border on the resident.

Can I leave my municipality of origin to take my child to school? I am a student and I need to go to university, can I?

The law provides for this type of situation and does not refer to the obligation to present any written statement to that effect.
Therefore, minors and their companions can travel to schools, nurseries and leisure activities without the need for accreditation. The same applies to students who live in a municipality and attend a school or institution of higher education outside the municipality of residence. If they are questioned by the authorities, they must justify that this is the reason they are moving.

Can I move or bring a family member to the Day Center?

Yes it can. The movement of users or companions who take relatives to Day Centers or Occupational Activity Centers is not prohibited.

Are home visits suspended during this period?

No, as long as it does not imply travel between municipalities. However, in the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira, which are in a situation of calamity, visits to users of residential structures for the elderly, integrated continuous care units of the National Integrated Care Network and other responses dedicated to seniors, as well as daycare activities.

Am I prevented from traveling if I have a training or an exam?

You are allowed to leave your home municipality if you are attending a training or if you are going to take an exam or even an inspection. The diploma does not say anything about the need to file a declaration and does not specify what kind of inspections are carried out.

I need to deed a house, go to a public service, or appear in court.

Nothing prevents you from doing so as long as you have proof of your appointment or notice in the court case. The diploma establishes that “it is allowed to travel to participate in procedural acts with judicial entities or in acts of the competence of notaries, lawyers, attorneys, curators and registry officials, as well as for assistance in public services, provided they have proof of the respective schedule “.

I have a hotel booked, can I spend the weekend away?

Do not do.

Can I travel outside of Portugal and go to the airport?

Travel outside mainland Portugal is not prohibited. The diploma states that travel deemed “necessary” is allowed and that you can travel to the airport even if you have to change county. The same applies to those arriving at domestic airports.

Can I go to a concert or cultural event?

For this purpose, it is only allowed to travel between neighboring municipalities to the habitual residence or within the same Metropolitan Area, being mandatory the presentation of the ticket if it is subject to inspection by the authorities.

Can I go home during the days when circulation between municipalities is restricted?

Is this possible to do. The diploma establishes that nothing prevents “returning to habitual residence”.

Are there professionals who are not covered by these prohibitions?

Yes, all health professionals, workers in health or social support institutions, teachers and non-teachers in schools, as well as civil protection agents and members of the security or military forces can move freely between municipalities.
Also outside this prohibition are the holders of political offices, magistrates and directors of the social partners and political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic.

Can priests or ministers of worship move between municipalities?

The law allows, but requires, a credential issued by the respective church or religious community.

Can children of separated parents move freely from one residence to another?

The diploma does not say anything in relation to this reality and the Government clarified to Rádio Renascença that the children of separated parents who live in different municipalities will not be able to travel from October 30 to November 3.

The restriction of circulation between municipalities was announced on October 22 by the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Viera da Silva, at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ministers. The information was released at the beginning of the press conference:
