In search of an international certificate, 5 states stop vaccinating herds against FMD


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Rural producers in Rio Grande do Sul, Acre, Rondônia and parts of the states of Amazonas and Mato Grosso will no longer need to vaccinate herds against foot-and-mouth disease.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply published this Thursday, in the Federal Official Gazette, the Normative Instruction that prohibits the maintenance, marketing and use of vaccines against the disease in this new area of ​​the country, which now joins the state of Paraná

According to the folder, the expectation is the recognition by the OIE – World Organization for Animal Health – as FMD free areas without vaccination in May 2021.

The Ministry highlights that one of the conditions required by the OIE is to suspend vaccination and prohibit the entry of vaccinated animals into the proposed states and regions for at least 12 months.

For this reason, as an additional measure, the Ministry of Agricultural Defense also published complementary rules for the restriction and control of animals in the states involved.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the decision has the support and participation of the public and private sectors of these states.
