In Portugal, three second EuroMillions prizes came out


Today the writer Lídia Jorge was awarded at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, for Literature in Romance Languages.

Lídia Jorge is the thirtieth winner of the main prize for literature at the Feira de Guadalajara, and is the second outstanding Portuguese writer, after António Lobo Antunes, in 2008.

The Mexican award, announced by the Spanish university professor Anna Caballé, who was part of the jury, is added to the 2019 Inês de Castro Foundation / Tribute to Consecration Award, attributed last July to the work of Lídia Jorge.

The author, born 74 years ago in Boliqueime, in the Algarve, has already distinguished other awards, such as the Grand Prize for Literature dst (2019), the Vergílio Ferreira Prize (2015), the Luso-Spanish Culture Prize (2014), the International Prize for Literature from the Günter Grass Foundation (2006), the Grand Prize for Romance from the Association of Portuguese Writers and the Correntes d’Escritas Prize (2002), the Jean Monet Prize for European Literature (2000) and the D. Diniz da Mateus House (1998).

In Spanish, the writer has published the titles “Notícia da Cidade Silvestre” (Alfaguara, 1990), “O Jardim sem Limites” (Alfaguara, 1995), “A Costa dos Murmúrios” (Alfaguara 2001), “O Vale da Paixão” (Seix Barral, 2001) and “Marido e Outros Contos” (Xerais de Galicia Editions, 2005).

Last year, the author published “Em Todos os Sentidos”, in which she compiled chronicles of daily reflection. These chronicles are the result of an invitation made by the radio director João Almeida, director of Antena 2, at the end of 2018, to collaborate in a program of his, with the same title.

According to the writer “the chronicle is not a genre, it is just a kind of homage to the god who makes the grains of sand slide pointing sideways. As we cannot beat time, we write texts that challenge what we call chronicle ”.

Last year, the novel “O Estuátrio”, by Lídia Jorge, won the XXIV Grand Prize for Literature awarded by the DST business group. This work was a finalist for the Medici Prize.

In 2018, Lídia Jorge published her first book of poetry, “O Livro das Tréguas”, a selection of 50 of the poems that the author wrote and never published.

Lídia Jorge debuted in 1989 with the novel “O Dia dos Prodígios”.

Since then he has published several titles in the areas of romance, short story, essay and theater.

Brazilian writers Rubén Fonseca, awarded in 2003, and Nélida Piñón, in 1995, are the other Portuguese-language authors distinguished with the main prize at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, in a list that also includes the Uruguayan Ida Vitale, the French Emmanuel Carrère, the Spanish Enrique Vila-Matas, Juan Marsé and Juan Goytisolo, the Italian Claudio Magris, the Colombian Fernando Vallejo and the Peruvian Alfredo Bryce Echenique, among others.

The award was given for the first time to the Chilean Nicanor Parra, in 1991.

Lídia Jorge succeeds Mexican David Huerta, awarded in 2019.

The Guadalajara International Book Fair, the second largest in the world in the book market, after the Frankfurt fair in Germany, will take place this year from November 28 to December 6.

The award will be awarded during the fair.

Portugal was the guest country of the FIL of Guadalajara, in the 2018 edition.
