In a matter of minutes, trees fell in Vila Verde, Braga, Guimarães and Esposende


A power pole fell and a tree cut a highway in the city of Valença and affected traffic on a national highway in Melgaço, CDOS’s O MINHO learned.

As far as it could be verified, the fall of an electric pole in Refóios do Lima, which would have fallen on the public highway, did not cause major damage to the power supply in that parish. The accident occurred in Vacariça, with a warning at 11:38 p.m., according to the CDOS. In the place there are civil protection and firefighters to remove the post from the road.

More complicated situation in Valença, in the parish of Cerdal, where a tree completely cut a municipal road in the place of Alderete. At the site, firefighters are cutting and removing the tree to clear the way. The warning was given at 11:16 p.m.

Also in Melgaço, the fall of a tree caused the restriction of traffic on the Estrada Nacional 202, in the parish of Prado. The firefighters immediately moved to the place and have already resolved the situation, leaving the road completely open again. This alert was given at 11:12 pm.

According to a CDOS source, tonight, given the yellow warning, more events of this type are expected, but, so far, there is no record of property damage or injuries.

Tree falls in a matter of minutes in the district of Braga

Between 22:39 and 23:01, five tree falls were recorded that impeded circulation in five different municipalities in the Braga district: Vila Verde, Braga, Guimarães, Esposende and Terras de Bouro. According to what O MINHO learned from the CDOS, there is no record of injuries or material damage.

According to the Civil Protection page, at 10:39 p.m. a tree fell in Moreira de Cónegos, in the municipality of Guimarães. At 10:46 p.m., another fall from a tree followed in the parish of Celeirós, in the municipality of Braga.

At 22:56, new registration, this time in Vila Chã, in the municipality of Esposende. At 10:59 p.m., a tree fell in Lanhas, in the municipality of Vila Verde.

Finally, at 11:01 p.m., a tree fell in Chamoim, in the municipality of Terras de Bouro.

At 23:17, a tree fell in Sameiro, in Braga.

For all these five falls, the intervention of firefighters and civil protection was necessary, since they fell in places of mobility, thus preventing possible movement on public roads.

Gusts up to 130 km / h

The Hortense depression, centered in the Cantabrian Sea, with an epicenter some 450 kilometers northeast of Viana do Castelo, will aggravate its effects in the Miño territory from 00:00 hours this Friday, with the forecast of gusts of wind that can reach 130 km / h.

The announcement was made at the end of the afternoon by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), realizing that the frontal system associated with the storm is a system of strong activity and the cold branch of this system will cross the territory. from tonight and the early morning of the 22.

The IPMA affirms that the passage of this cold frontal surface will affect with greater intensity the North and Central regions, where strong and persistent rainfall and strong west wind are expected, with very strong gusts.

“In the highlands above 1,200 meters, the precipitation will be snow, which in the extreme north and in the Serra da Estrela can temporarily block or condition the roads,” says the IPMA report, sent to O MINHO.

“In the most severe period, which will be tonight and until the early morning of the 22nd, gusts of up to 95 km / h can occur in the North and Central regions and up to 120 km / h and 130 km / h in the highlands” , add the same note.

“With the passage of the cold frontal surface, it is probable that in some places there may be situations of very intense gusts, which may be associated with extreme wind phenomena”, warns the IPMA.

This situation of strong current from the west is giving rise to a strong agitation of the sea, with a significant height of 5 to 6 meters on the west coast, reaching a maximum height of 10 to 12 meters.

The waves are expected to subside 4 to 5 meters by the end of the 22nd.

To monitor the meteorological situation, it is recommended to consult the forecasts and meteorological warnings through the IPMA page.
