Illegal New Year’s Eve parties dismantled in Barcelona and Rennes – Observer


The illegal New Year’s Eve parties that took place since Thursday in the Rennes region, France, and in Barcelona, ​​Spain, were dismantled during the morning of this Saturday. THE delirium The Frenchman was the first to be interrupted, followed by the Catalan, towards the end of the morning.

The event on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​Llinars del Vallès, on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​began at 9:00 p.m. on December 31 in an abandoned warehouse and is still continuing this Saturday morning. The party, which was denounced by neighbors, brought together more than 200 people of various nationalities and was scheduled for January 4.

Police explained Friday that they planned to take action if the participants did not leave the premises of their own free will. A police source, quoted by Efe, said that this Saturday morning a meeting will take place to assess how and when to proceed with the eviction of the warehouse. Initially, the police indicated that they did not want to use force to end the party “to avoid serious incidents.”

According to El País, the authorities arrived at the place around 12 at night (11 in the morning in Lisbon), interrupting the festivities. Images released by a journalist for the Spanish newspaper show several intervention vans parked inside the warehouse where the party was taking place.

The people who began to leave the warehouse during the morning were identified and denounced for participating in a prohibited party and not respecting the preventive measures in force in Spain in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic.

The prefecture of the department of Ille-et-Vilaine reported that the participants in the delirium, held in a hangar in the town of Lieuron, south of Rennes (western France), began to demobilize during the morning. The first demobilizations took place at 5:30 am (4:30 am in Lisbon) and will have ended at 8 am, according to Le Figaro.

“There was no police intervention,” the city said, adding that the agents, who control the access roads to the site, carried out control operations and summons the participants. The city confirmed the “sound disruption.” At least one sound system has been dismantled, the same agency said. On Twitter, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said that the “numerous security forces” at the scene and “the intensive controls led to stopping the illegal party in Lieuron without violence.”

Police had tried unsuccessfully to stop the event on Thursday, facing “violent hostility from many participants.” During the clashes, “one police vehicle was set on fire, three others were damaged and police officers were beaten with bottles and stones, causing minor injuries,” the city said. The event brought together some 2,500 people despite the current curfew in the country.

Gérald Darmanin had called a meeting in Paris on Friday night with the mayor and members of his cabinet to analyze the measures to be taken to end the party.

The French police opened an investigation to find out who organized the illegal party in Rennes. According to information provided by the Interior Ministry, cited by Le Figaro, 1,200 violations were recorded, 800 of which were within the scope of the measures imposed to control the Covid-19 pandemic. A few hundred are related to drug use.

Article updated at 12:55 p.m.
