“If the virus sees the communists, it will not come”: Festa do Avante! already started – Politics


In the early hours of the Avante party! There were more employees of the organization and journalists in the Atalaia compound than visitors – in the 44th edition, the eternal slogan “there is no party like this” to be a fair image of the communist deception it should have been “we never had a party like this “. “Keep your physical distance, protest and protect others” was not, then, difficult to achieve.

Leaning on a cane, Francisco Carrilho, 83, who spent the quarantine of the pandemic escaping between the house, the garden and the Cheese section of the PCP, arrives mocked with the visor that has just fallen to the floor, after the elastic. Burst. He will keep coming until he gets to the party but he regrets not helping like “first in 1976, in Jamor, two years in Ajuda, seven years – it was supposed to be eight but there were elections – in Quinta do Infantado and since 1990, here in Atalaia, in this farm that is ours “.

The start of the 2020 party can be similar, it can even have the same stands, the same scenarios, the same slogans, the same representations, even the same demands and slogans, but few backpackers are actually hardly seem to fill and with the wedge, looking out over the sea of ​​gray canvas, the camp of the workers of the compound, which we are not allowed to visit.

There are still few buses in the parking lot, one of them entered Elídio Tavares, 80, with the group from Gondomar, where João, 59, and the woman who was preparing to go “to cook a turnip soup, was also traveling. “. – It never failed and now “much less would it fail because time demands it”. On a day with temperatures rising above thirty, Elídio can be seen covering his head with plush, an extraordinary gift from his son, which was given to him three years ago – “this is a Russian communist hat.” It already smells like steaks and sandwiches. Beatriz, 32, follows Manuel, 6 months, astride her waist; She is a kindergarten teacher. The baby was born in London, where the family lives, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis and the delivery was far from any visit, in the English maternity ward. Beatriz has been at Avante since she was 13 years old; the son, newborn, already has a story to tell: “I trust the organization of the party.” “If the virus sees the communists, it will not come,” says Manuel Frade, 65, who only failed Avante twice, due to illness.

Near the main stage, Margarida Laje, 71, a retired doctor, looks “moved by the social distance between the chairs”; she is not a militant because “she admires the communists too much to pretend to be one of them.” Her husband has been a militant since the days of the Union of Communist Students. “There are still days, at the launch of the book by Margarida Tengarrinha, the wife of José Dias Coelho, killed by the PIDE, I thought about it,” he says, showing a smile without a mask -at the party-, only mandatory in certain spaces.

Jerónimo attacks the right wing that wants to silence the PCP
Out of the focus of the April 25th Stage, the general secretary of the PCP, Jerónimo de Sousa, yesterday welcomed the 44th edition of Avante! It was through the columns of the enclosure and through social networks that the greetings were heard, but especially the attacks on the right: “Leading figures of the right, recognized former leaders, as if they had had a rebellion of conscience for the damage they did to the right to health “. and the NHS, with the devaluation of services, (…), which also punished salaries and careers, comes to the public square to hypocritically allege health reasons to prevent the party “.

They want us to be calm, confined, silent and scared (…) They did not want, nor do they want the party because they are aware of the worsening of the economic and social situation in which sectors of capital will take advantage to lay off, cut wages and rights. “But the PCP will not shut up.” Let’s wear the mask but don’t let it cover our eyes to be fighting where we’ve always been, “said Jerónimo de Sousa.

Marcelo “is not as optimistic” as the PCP
The Head of State said yesterday that his perspective on the celebration of the Festa do Avante! “not as optimistic” as the perception of the DGS and the PCP. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also said that, “in a cordial way,” he conveyed his opinion to those responsible for the PCP.

Increase in the national minimum wage
In the inaugural speech of Avante !, Jerónimo pointed out the priorities of the PCP: “Increase the minimum wage, increase wages and combat precarious work.”

Criticism of the restrictive rules of DGS
The PCP leader also criticized the DGS for imposing measures “that go beyond the standards required in any commercial space, beach, religious or street activity.”

16,563 people is the maximum capacity allowed by the Directorate General of Health for this 44th edition of the Festa do Avante !, which started yesterday and closes its doors on Sunday.

2000 people It is the maximum capacity for the most emblematic space of the communist party. Stage 25 de Abril, where the main concerts and political initiatives take place.

38 euros It was the price of a permanent ticket (EP) for the three days of the Festa do Avante! A ticket for this Saturday only costs 33 euros. On Sunday, the ticket price is 21 euros.

10 years It was the age limit established by the General Directorate of Health so that masks cannot be used, whether they are open or closed spaces. The exception to this is the food court.
