If the United States intervenes in Venezuela, it will be an “invasion”, guarantor Donald Trump


You want to go to Venezuela no farei disso um segredo, “said the sixth-feira à noite or President of the United States in an interview with the Fox News television station.

Trump alludes to about two dozen people, among the two North American cities, arrested Sunday by the Venezuelan authorities.

The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, affirmed that those about 20 people were planning to organize “an attempted invasion of the sea” that would, in fact, be followed by a “coup d’état”, led by the political opposition Juan Guaidó.

“Nothing will come into their hands. They will be emailed. I will not send a small group. I will not. I will not use the army and it is an invasion,” insisted the North American President, saying “I do not know great things” or group of people detained in Venezuela.

The United States, as well as more than 50 other countries, considered Juan Gaido o Internal President of Venezuela.

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