“I will not wait for someone in my family,” Bolsonaro said.


These are difficult times for Jair Bolsonaro, who faces even more evidence that he interfered in police investigations to protect his children. The former Minister of Justice, Sérgio Moro, had already accused the Brazilian president of pressuring him to remove the then Director General of the Federal Police, Maurício Valeixo, in a council of ministers, on April 22. Now, we know that he used the terms: “I am not going to wait for someone in my family. I change everyone’s safety. I change the boss, I change the minister, ”one listens to a video of the meeting, shown to investigators and lawyers, one of those present told Globo. Moro insists that the video be made public: the government has already refused.

As was already clear in Moro’s testimony, the entire case revolves around Rio de Janeiro, a state in which the Bolsonaro family established their political career. It is in this city that Jair’s second son, Councilman Carlos, is investigated for a plan to spread false news. And where the eldest son, Senator Flávio, is suspected of being linked to the militias and embezzlement of funds for illegal properties. “I already tried to change the head of security in Rio de Janeiro. If I cannot change, I will change his boss, I will change the minister, “declared the president at the meeting of ministers.

If Bolsonaro’s goal was to protect Flávio, it is not going well: just yesterday, a Supreme Court judge denied his appeal to block the investigation of an alleged “fractured” scheme in the senator’s office. In other words, the diversion of the wages of its advisers, through the creation of “phantom” advisers and false accounts in food companies.

As the siege intensifies around Bolsonaro, who has lost the support of traditional right-wing figures such as Moro, former Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, or São Paulo Governor João Dória, the president risks losing to other allies. The so-called “bullet and bullet bank”, which represents farmers in the Amazon regions, is not entirely satisfied with the postponement of the vote on the “provisional measure of grilagem”, which risks expiring.

The objective of the project, postponed today by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Eduardo Maia, another ally who is fighting with Bolsonaro, is to regularize the occupation of public lands. Both by small farmers and large landowners: environmentalists say it disproportionately benefits the latter, encouraging deforestation.

Between January 2019 and April this year, 40% of the devastated area was public, according to preliminary results from the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM).

Still, Bolsonaro went public to defend the “provisional measure on land grabbing” and his allies. “Putting it to the vote and not letting it expire is a commitment to the dignity of these producers and to the development of our Brazil,” he defended on Twitter.
