“I was afraid of infecting my husband. It was a terrible anguish”


A directorgeneral health was this Monday 4 of janeiro, first guest of the new Manuel Luís program Goucha in TVI. The public health specialist agreed to talk with the presenter in an intimate interview where she was presented as the main face of the pandemic of COVID-19-19.

Graça Freitas assumes herself as a discreet woman used to being in the second row. It is, therefore, with “great amazement” that she is recognized as the 2020 Figure of the Year.

“Every day I try to do my part the best I can,” he guarantees, revealing that he didn’t always say everything he knew publicly.

He admits that the most difficult part of this whole process is evaluating what information is true or not. And it was because he was not sure if he preferred to keep some of that information.

“I said what I knew and what I had the most confidence in. Sometimes I preferred to save some information, because I still had many uncertainties about that information“, she explains, assuming that she is a” clear, transparent professional who always tried to reassure “the Portuguese.

The carelessness that made her stay infected as COVID-19-19

Despite all the precautions you have always taken, the person most responsible for Direction General of Health hired the new coronavirus earlier this month December.

“This virus is extremely treacherous, I took many precautions from the beginning. I have immense respect for everyone’s health, I didn’t want to be sick or infect nobody and a little carelessness was enough. I have an idea that it may have been a relatively small and stuffy room, because we were all wearing masks.. The ventilation is the only thing that I identify as the failure, ”he recalls.

The positive test came after another employee of hers revealed that she was infected, and with it came her great concern: the health of her husband.

My biggest concern was my husband. My great concern was thinking: what if I infetei. It was a terrible anguish“confess”. I was afraid of infect my husband and that he could be seriously ill, ”she adds, explaining that the two were completely separated throughout the isolation process.

Despite having mild symptoms, Graça Freitas confesses that the fear also spread to her health. “One day it seemed like everything was disappearing and the next day they [os sintomas] He reappeared and I asked him: and tomorrow, what will it be like? Uncertainty is terrifying, so terrifying“, bill.

“I didn’t miss the smell, nor did I lose my taste, “he says, realizing that, strangely, he had a great appetite and smell “very refined”.

Added to these symptoms were “muscle aches, weakness, headaches” and the cough that came “around the tenth day.” “And it was this cough that didn’t get me discharged early,” he admitted.

Graça Freitas “never collapsed”

Despite being often at the center of controversy, Graça Freitas says she “never collapsed.” “The day I start crying, I’m going to cry all day. I have so much to cry. I’ve been on the verge of that and there are days when I’m irritable, ”he confesses.

A COVID-19-19 is a “bath of humility”

If everything goes as planned, our country has ordered vaccines for everyone“, guaranteed Graça Freitas, who assures with certainty that she will be vaccinated when her turn comes.

“Vaccination is a great window of hope, but we are not sure. We do not know how this immunity will behave, how long it will last. We must wait, if it is not with these vaccines, others will appear,” he defends. .

[A Covid-19] it is a bath of humility for all, for humanity in general“This is in the opinion of Graças Freitas the greatest teaching that we can all learn from this time of pandemic.

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