“I take responsibility, but it is too early to understand what happened”


“I really think it is still too early to understand what happened at Christmas. Obviously, take responsibility for everything that has been decided incorrectly or inappropriately. (…), I do not have an exact perception of any facts, “affirmed Marta Temido, in an interview with the Lusa agency regarding the announcement of two first cases related to a covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, on March 2 last year.

The official considered that, to understand the consequences in the increase in cases in January of the decisions taken by the Government at Christmas, it is necessary to understand the contribution of some facts, such as the cold, the holiday season and the new. variants.

We enter the month of December with a level with which we all feel comfortable, in relation to the pandemic, in terms of pressure on health. And I think we have three effects combined there“he stated.

The minister highlighted the role of the variant detected in the United Kingdom, which, today is known, was already in circulation: “The United Kingdom did not alert the World Health Organization until December 14, but we also know (..) that we sequenced the first cases in January and (…) that today we can look back, with the rear-view mirror, and anticipate that we already had the variant in circulation ”.

The cold – “which is sometimes ridiculed” – and the “less willingness to adhere to protective measures” in the face of the invitation-19 are other determining factors pointed out by the government official.

It would be an illusion to think that we control everything, that we can return, for example, to an indefiniteness with such high levels of cases as we have today“added Marta Temido, underlining that, today,” we are all more cautious, more cautious, more concerned, more anxious and with the concern of reaching lower levels. “

“We cannot forget that the English variant is more transmissible and that (…) we see countries that already had the English variant with a very high prevalence, saying that basic containment measures are not enough, that they have to be higher, to Combat the effect of this increased transmissibility, “said the minister, adding:” Are we fully protected? We have already learned that no. “

Asked if she could choose, in the 12 months of fighting the pandemic, a more difficult moment, Marta Temido pointed out several: the first case, the first death, the interventions of the Ministry of Health to help articulate hospital services in situations of increased pressure and the decision to close schools.

For those who believe in the power of education, public education, school, having to close schools again was a particularly difficult decision for all members of the Government.“he stated.

He said he had a ‘crushed’ feeling when he looked at the waiting lists and what was left to do on the NHS and, when asked if he ever thought about leaving office, replied: ‘These places belong to two entities: the The Portuguese, who chooses the Government, and the Prime Minister, who chooses his ministers. “

“So, from the moment we decide to join a government, we are here to serve the Portuguese and the government and, therefore, it is each and every one of those who always have this place at their disposal,” he said.

He also said that “there are very difficult circumstances to be a government”, that this “is one of them”, but “it will not be the only one.”

Being in the government is being at the service of others and, therefore, this must always be done with great humility, perseverance, to continue doing what we believe in, but also willingness to understand that there are times to be a government, there are times to work in other things. It is with this tranquility that, for now, circumstantially, I am the Minister of Health, ”he said.

“If people need me, who are we to fail them? When I think about it I see photos that their colleagues took of health professionals on bad days, and I remember the reports of many of them, some of whom are close to me, and I think they are going to leave home for another terrible day. , as were many days. Who am I to complain? ”, He concluded.

Also read: Temido and Graça stopped appearing together because of “splinters and sticks”

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