“I never got a penny from foreign sources,” Biden told Trump.


Joe Biden defended the actions of his son Hunter Biden in Ukraine and guaranteed that he never received money from entities outside the United States, when he was pressured by Donald Trump in the last presidential debate.

“I have never received a penny from foreign sources at any time in my life,” said the Democratic candidate, in response to President Donald Trump, of the allegations that were recently reported.

“If these things are true about Russia, Ukraine, China and other countries, then he is a corrupt politician,” charged Donald Trump. The president referred to allegations that the former vice president of the United States illegally made money in a scheme with his son Hunter Biden.

“I think we must clarify this to the American people,” insisted Donald Trump, who also accused Joe Biden of having received 3.5 million dollars (2.97 million euros) from Russia and referred to Hunter Biden’s position in Burisma. , Ukrainian energy company, with possible conflicts of interest.

Joe Biden responded that “nothing was unethical” in his son’s conduct and recalled that everyone who testified before Congress in the impeachment of Donald Trump said that the vice president did his job in relation to Ukraine.

He also said that 54 US intelligence agents had signed a statement on the origin of the allegations of the illicit scheme with Hunter Biden, which would have been a Russian disinformation initiative through Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

“Now the laptop [de Hunter] Is it also Russia? “Trump asked.” Here we go again with the Russian deception, “he added.

Biden responded by saying that “the person who got into trouble in Ukraine was him,” pointing to Trump. “My son didn’t make money from China. He did,” he continued.

The candidate pointed to the fact that Trump was reported to maintain a “secret account” in China.

Questioned by moderator Kristen Welker, Trump justified his bank account with his history as a businessman and again pointed batteries at the Biden family, characterizing it as “a vacuum cleaner” that “cleans money” wherever it goes.

“There’s a reason he’s talking about this nonsense,” Biden replied. “He does not want to talk about the substance of the issues. It is not about his family or mine, it is about his and his family is suffering,” said the candidate, addressing voters.

This was the second and final debate between the candidates, this time moderated by NBC News reporter Kristen Welker. According to a post-debate CNN poll, Joe Biden was considered a winner by the majority of viewers surveyed, 53%, against 39% who thought Trump was better.

After a very contentious first confrontation on September 29, the Presidential Debate Committee changed the rules to cut off the microphone to the opponent when one of the candidates answered the questions.

Despite some exchanges in counterarguments, this morning’s debate had few interruptions and was viewed by commentators as closer to traditional political debates in the United States.

Other prominent topics were covid-19, the economy, racial tensions and immigration.

Joe Biden arrived on stage at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, where the debate took place, with an advantage of around 10 points in the average of the national polls, according to the FiveThirtyEight platform. The Democrat has 52.1% of the voting intentions compared to 42.2% of Donald Trump. The election is November 3.
