“I did not hesitate to present myself to be vaccinated” – Jornal Económico


The president of the Portuguese Medical Association, as a health professional, was one of those summoned to the first phase of the vaccination process against Covid-19 and is on the list to receive the drug from Pfizer / BioNTech this Sunday morning.

“I did not hesitate to present myself to be vaccinated, because I think that is the duty of every citizen. This is a duty of citizenship, among other things because the vaccine is for us to help everyone, to protect the sick, the most fragile, “he told SIC.

Portugal began the vaccination process against Covid-19 around 10 in the morning, with the first vaccine administered to the doctor and professor António Sarmento, at the São João University Hospital Center, in Porto. For the president of the doctors, the choice was successful.

“I think the election could not have been happier. António Sarmento is a truly extraordinary doctor, who truly symbolizes what it is to be a doctor, our profession, the Hippocratic Oath ”, argued Miguel Guimarães on the Paço d’Arcos channel.

Miguel Guimarães, who is a urologist at the São João Hospital and is part of the transplant team at the same hospital, also thanked the researchers and scientists for their work and warned about the importance of maintaining social distance, the use of masks and alcohol. -gel and respiratory tag, despite this historic day.

“Being a symbolic day, it is also a day of hope. It is a sign of hope that we give to the Portuguese, without prejudice to having to continue complying with the measures recommended by the DGS: mask, distance and hygiene. The effect of the vaccine will be felt later, when about 70% of the population is vaccinated ”, he warned.
