“I am very surprised by the choice of the minister” – Observer


Jamila Madeira reveals that she did not ask to leave the position of Undersecretary of State for Health. In a brief statement sent to the Observer, the socialist says she stayed ”.very surprised by the choice of the Minister of Health“.

I did not ask to leave and naturally I was very surprised by the choice of the Minister of Health! But I leave my conscience with a clear mission accomplished with the certainty that I did everything I could in a particularly unprecedented year! I hope that for the XXII Government, headed by António Costa, with whom I am very proud to work and for the country everything continues to go in the best way! For the good of all!

The written message was sent after the Observer questioned the Secretary of State who is leaving this Thursday, with the inauguration of the new Secretaries of State appointed yesterday by the Prime Minister of the President of the Republic. The socialist says she is leaving “a clear conscience” and underlines the “pride” of having worked with António Costa, not doing the same with the minister with whom she was in direct work, Marta Temido.

Jamila Madeira, who was elected deputy in the last legislatures, took office in the Ministry of Health at the beginning of this Government and now (less than a year later) has been replaced as Marta Temido’s undersecretary of State by her colleague in the Ministry António Lacerda Sales who leaves these promoted changes: he becomes a Deputy.

The socialist was the only ruler of this wave who he left without being asked. As the Public newspaper had advanced this Thursday, it was the Minister of Health who requested the replacement of Jamila Madeira by Lacerda Sales, who has gained prominence in the Ministry in the management of the pandemic. The vice president of the board of directors of the Central Administration of the Health System, Diogo Serras Lopes, who had already been in the prime minister’s office as an economic advisor, now comes through Marta Temido’s team.

In this micro-remodeling, five secretaries of state in total were replaced and the new ones take office this Thursday afternoon.

Low at the Ministry of Health in the middle of a pandemic: Jamila Madeira is one of the five exits of the government
