Hypertension is responsible for half of deaths from cardiovascular disease.


Saint Paul – Hypertension is responsible, directly or indirectly, for half of cardiovascular disease deaths: there are approximately 200 thousand deaths per year. The alert is from the São Paulo State Cardiology Society. In the week to combat hypertension, Socesp emphasizes the importance of care, more than ever, due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

According to the organization, 36 million Brazilian adults have high blood pressure. Among the elderly, hypertension reaches 60%.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, hypertensive patients deserve special attention (Photo: Disclosure)

Those who do not adequately control the disease are at risk of sudden death, stroke (cerebrovascular accident), acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, and chronic kidney disease.

“In the cases of Covid-19, uncontrolled hypertension has significant complications and higher mortality, according to international reports and studies,” analyzes the president of the São Paulo State Cardiology Society, João Fernando Monteiro Ferreira.

In the last three decades, there has been a decrease in the incidence of hypertension in Brazil from 36.1% to 31% of the adult population, according to a meta-analysis that covers 40 national scientific studies published in the 7th Brazilian Guide on Hypertension.

For the president of Socesp, if there were a massive adherence, in which all Brazilians controlled blood pressure, we would have a significant leap in reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases. “We would probably reach the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce deaths by 25% by 2,025,” says the cardiologist.

Socesp promotes, throughout the week, a virtual campaign with daily publications on its website aimed at the general public and in the associated media. The texts provide guidance on the importance of physical exercise, how to control the disease, what are the risks, highlights that hypertension has no symptoms and what are the parameters of blood pressure.

Care for hypertensive patients during the coronavirus pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic, hypertensive patients deserve special attention. “Both should avoid contagion by the virus, a measure based mainly on social isolation, as well as maintaining regular care for blood pressure control. And here I mean the regular use of medications, a balanced diet and exercise,” points out the scientific advisor. by Socesp, Flávio Borelli.

The cardiologist reports that a balanced diet, with low salt intake, is also crucial. The São Paulo State Cardiology Society recommends up to five grams of salt per day, or one teaspoon. “It is the limit of consumption, without forgetting that salt is present in a large part of processed foods, such as pasta and industrialized spices, which are easily found on the table of Brazilians, but that should be avoided,” warns the cardiologist.

In addition to salt, risk factors for high blood pressure are age, overweight and obesity, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, socioeconomic and genetic factors.
