Hunters paid between seven and eight thousand euros to kill 540 animals


The Government announced this Tuesday the cancellation of the tourist hunting license to Herdade da Torre Bela, in Aveiras de Cima, municipality of Azambuja, where, last week, there was a mountain that culminated in the death of 540 animals, including wild boars and deer . A source linked to the hunting sector, although not involved in the initiative, and who requested anonymity, told JN that each participant will have paid between seven and eight thousand euros to be part of the event.

The case, considered by João Pedro Matos Fernandes, Minister of the Environment, as “vile and ignoble”, caused a generalized shock wave and also led the Executive to order the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) to inspect of the fences. 1500 existing properties in the country, to avoid the repetition of similar situations.

The situation, which JN reported in yesterday’s edition, was made public after Spanish hunters shared photos on social networks with the 540 slaughtered animals. The mount took place last Thursday, and in it, according to Luís de Sousa, president of the Chamber of Azambuja, 16 hunters participated. The mayor confirmed that the day before yesterday he requested a clarification from the administrators of the farm – whose owners do not know – and that, at the end of the day, he received an email from the administrator’s wife in which they assumed the fact.
