Hundreds of Portuguese held in Brazil. Repatriation under study


CPortuguese interns in Brazil want to return to the country. According to the Portuguese Embassy in Brazil, an operation to repatriate these nationals is being studied, RTP said this Monday.

At the moment, the authorities are still responding to requests to return to the country, with at least a hundred people meeting the repatriation criteria.

“There are hundreds [de pessoas que querem voltar para Portugal], but of these, about a hundred are people who we believe can meet these criteria based on humanitarian problems, health, needy, “said Luís Faro Ramos, Portuguese ambassador to Brazil, in statements to the public broadcaster.

As for when a decision could be made, the ambassador declined to commit on any date, although he suggested that the operation could come soon.

“I dont know [quando poderão ocorrer os repatriamentos]. It is not a question that can be answered. I know we are doing it and I think we must be prepared, “he said.

Air links between the two countries were suspended on January 29, due to the new Covid-19 variant. However, as part of the renewal of the state of emergency, the measure was extended until at least March 1.

Also read: MINUTE: 528 dead in Brazil. Will companies pay for part of the electricity and water?

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