How did the public react to Cláudio Ramos’ debut on TVI?


CLaudio Ramos had in the special number of TVI for Easter Sunday, the perfect occasion for your debut on the channel. The nervousness led him to cheat, ending up changing more than once the channel where he remembered his old home: SIC, something that in no way hindered his desire to shine.

But what about the audience, how did they react to the presenter’s debut?

On the social networks of Cláudio Ramos and TVIComments are mostly positive and full of praise.

“Great debut” or “congratulations on the debut” are the most repeated.

“Even making mistakes is wonderful,” wrote one follower, who, like so many others, devalued the mistakes that occurred.

“I missed seeing you on television”, “Congratulations, Cláudio, I love seeing you”, “Better start, I was impassive” or “Cláudio Ramos, super talented, brilliant”, were other messages left by the fans.

As for the criticism, very few were felt and almost all were directed by Cláudio Ramos in this special issue.

“Fatima could have given Cláudio more space. Apart from those slips, I really liked it,” emphasized one follower. “Cláudio was very nervous and Fatima did not give him space,” said another.

Remember that Maria Botelho Moniz also made her debut on this special broadcast.

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