Home in Beja has 83 infected users


One of the patients who tests positive is hospitalized in the covid room of the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja, revealed a ULSBA source to the Lusa agency, of which the hospital is part.

The same source explained that 126 people from that Residential Structure for the Elderly (ERPI) in the city of Beja, among users and employees, were analyzed to detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Of this total, 97 positive cases of Covid-19 were detected, 14 negative and 15 inconclusive, he said.

As for the users, 89 people were “tested”, of which “83 were positive, one of whom was admitted to the hospital, one had a negative result and five had inconclusive results and today they repeat the test,” he added.

As for the employees, “tests were carried out at 37”, being “14 of them positive, 13 negative and 10 inconclusive”, so “they will also do a new test today (Thursday),” added the ULSBA source. .

According to ULSBA, also on Thursday “A Health team made up of doctors and nurses from the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital and Primary Health Care will go home to assess the health status of the users who remain in the institution“.Suspicions were earlier

The mayor of Beja, Paulo Arsénio, had already revealed to Lusa, on Wednesday night, that at least 97 people from Mansão de São José, between users and employees, were infected with the new coronavirus.

According to the mayor, users and employees were evaluated on Tuesday for the presence of SARS-CoV-2, after the confirmation of “two positives”, a user and an employee.

The screening was carried out by the Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC) and, “at approximately 7:30 p.m.” on Wednesday, another “95 positive cases were confirmed, among users and employees,” said the mayor, who said he had no information to specify how many were relating to users or employees.

Asked by Lusa if the municipality fears the transposition of this outbreak to the community, Paulo Arsénio considered that it is a “complex situation”, but “it will have a lot to do with the number of infected employees”, since the elderly in the home “are confined to that space,” while employees are not.
