Hidden face. Paulo Penedos surrenders to jail to serve a four-year sentence after a judge orders his arrest – Observer


Judge Isabel Ferreira de Castro decided this Friday that three defendants in the Face Oculta case should be sent to prison to serve the sentences for which they were convicted in 2014: Jose Penedos me Paul Penedos, father and son, and yet Sundays Paiva nunes, Advances of the Jornal de Notícias (printed version). Lawyer Paulo Penedos has already voluntarily turned himself in this Monday in Coimbra prison, the Correio da Manhã advances.

The former president of REN and former Secretary of State, José Penedos and his son, a lawyer, will have respectively sentences of three years and three months and four years for the crime of influence trafficking. The former administrator of EDP Imobiliária and cousin of Socrates, Domingos Paiva Antunes, faces a sanction of three years and six months for the crime of corruption.

The Aveiro Court issued ordered that the GNR of Vila Nova de Poiares and Albufeira can take these three defendants to jail (which, in the case of Paulo Penedos, will no longer be necessary), although all are awaiting the decisions of the appeals that have been filed in the Constitutional Court, which the judge did not consider an impediment to the execution of the sentences that once they were convicted. that do not have suspensive effects. The magistrate also based her decision on the fact that the convictions of the accused are now final.

OR José Penedos’s lawyer has already requested the suspension of the order issued, alleging that an appeal is still pending and reminding the weak health of his client, who is 75 years old. The defendant Domingos Paiva Nunes has already been notified, according to the JN, and asked to be taken to the prison hospital S. João de Deus, in Caxias, alleging health problems.

José Penedos and his son were convicted in September 2014

Of the total of 11 defendants sentenced in 2014 to prison terms – which were confirmed by the Porto Appeal Court in 2017 and by the Supreme Court in 2018 (in relation to Manuel Godinho) -, currently only three are serving their sentences since January 2019: Armando Vara (former vice president of BCP and former minister, serving a five-year sentence in Évora), Manuel Guiomar (former Refer employee, sentenced to six years and six months) and João Manuel Tavares (former Petrogal employee, with five years and nine months of service).

[Artigo atualizado às 10h24 com a informação de que Paulo Penedos já se entregou na prisão de Coimbra]
