Hidden face: Paulo Penedos surrendered to serve his sentence. José Penedos invokes health reasons to request the non-execution of an order. – Present


The decision comes after the Aveiro Court issued arrest warrants for the defendants José Penedos, Paulo Penedos and Paiva Nunes, fulfilling the sentence in which they were convicted in the Face Oculta case.

In a statement sent to the Lusa agency, the lawyer Rui Patrício, who defends José Penedos, explains that he has already informed the Aveiro Court of the “delicate and serious health situation” of his client, as well as the recent and continuous medical acts.

In the same note, the plaintiff says that he transmitted to the Court, in the last 48 hours, his position on the legal and procedural issues that he considers relevant, as well as his “profound disagreement with the procedural opportunity to issue a court order.”

“In addition to this clarification, the defense does not intend to say anything more publicly, what it has to say, it said and will say in the process and, also, before the authorities and institutions, and, understanding the newsworthiness of the matter, hopes that it will be taken in bill. the referred health status is respected and respected by all ”, says the statement sent to Lusa.

José Penedos, Paulo Penedos and Paiva Nunes still have pending appeals before the Constitutional Court, but the judge who has the file in the Aveiro Court, Isabel Ferreira de Castro, understood that they do not have suspensive effect, having ordered the issuance of driving orders a prison establishment.

This morning, the son of José Penedos, Paulo Penedos, decided to surrender voluntarily to the Coimbra Prison to serve the sentence he was sentenced to.

“Arrest warrants are issued and handed over to the police and the police enforce them. The [Paulo Penedos] it is that he anticipated and went to present himself voluntarily, ”lawyer Ricardo Sá Fernandes told Lusa, adding that the prison had already been notified of this decision.

Sá Fernandes also considered that, although there are still pending appeals, the Aveiro Court’s decision “is legitimate.”

“I would hope that it is only taken in the event that the appeal is unfounded, but once the appeal has the effect of restitution, the decision is legitimate,” he concluded.

José Penedos, at the time of the events, president of REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais, was sentenced to three years and three months in prison for a crime of corruption, and his son was sentenced to four years in prison for a crime of trafficking. of influence.

Paiva Nunes, former administrator of EDP Imobiliária, was sentenced to four years in prison for two crimes of corruption, but later the Aveiro Court decreed the prescription of one of those crimes.

Face Oculta’s lawsuit, which began to be tried in 2011, is related to an alleged corruption network that would have the objective of favoring the business group of the scrap metal dealer Manuel Godinho in business with companies in the state and private sector.

The trial in the first instance ended with the conviction of 11 defendants with effective penalties between four and 17 and a half years, but one of them ended up seeing the execution of the sentence suspended, after appeal to the Court.

Of the remaining 10, only three defendants are currently serving a sentence, one of them is the former socialist minister Armando Vara, who was sentenced to five years in prison.

The main defendant in the case Manuel Godinho and his nephew Hugo are awaiting a decision on the appeal of the reformulation of the legal sum, after the prescription of some crimes, together with the defendants Manuel Gomes and Figueiredo Costa.
