Herdade da Torre Bela files a criminal complaint after a mountain that killed 540 animals


Herdade da Torre Bela reported this Monday that it had filed a criminal complaint with the Public Ministry against the hunters who had participated in the mount that ended with the death of 540 animals great in that area of ​​Azambuja.

In a statement, Torre Bela understands that “it was the only entity seriously harmed, in its heritage and reputation, by carrying out an illegitimate and abusive assembly on its property.” That organization also informs that the criminal complaint is directed at the entity that promotes the hunt, the Monteros de la Cabra company and also its person in charge, Mariano Morales.

The farm claims that the mount carried out by 16 Spanish hunters occurred in “an unequivocal violation of acquired hunting rights.”

Torre Bela adds that the limits agreed with the hunting operator were exceeded, and that they are set by the Hunting Tourist Zone.

Herdade da Torre Bela also says that it is collaborating with all authorities, and presented to the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests a set of information that was obtained that, according to the farm, allows a better assessment of the facts.

Following the wave of outrage generated by hunting, the Ministry of the Environment withdrew the hunting license to Herdade da Torre Bela.

After the hunt was announced, including photographs of the dead animals, the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests opened a process to investigate “the facts and possible illicit acts” related to the killing of the animals and suspended the license of the Tower Hunting Zone. Bela, presenting a crime report against the preservation of fauna to the Public Ministry.

The prosecution revealed that it opened a criminal investigation to mount. “Confirmation of the opening of an investigation that depends on the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of Lisbon Norte (Alenquer),” the Prosecutor’s Office told the Lusa agency today.

Herdade had already, in a statement, affirming that it had no responsibility for what happened and repudiated the “illegitimate” way in which a set-up was carried out on his property, stating that he considered recourse to justice as compensation for the damage caused.

When the hunting was announced, the Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, repudiated the slaughter of animals, admitting a revision of the Hunting Law, that is, with regard to the mountains.

The order signed by Minister Matos Fernandes determines the “immediate suspension of the environmental impact assessment procedure, including public consultation, regarding the photovoltaic plants in lot 18 of the solar auction of July 2019, considering that the photovoltaic plants before mentioned are within the Fifth “. Torre Bela, where a mountain occurred during which more than 500 animals were sacrificed, events that led to communication to the Public Ministry.

The companies promoting the photovoltaic solar energy parks designed for Herdade da Torre Bela assured that they had “no relationship” with the sacrifice of 540 animals in a forest.
