Health Releases New Flu Numbers, Warns About Vaccination


The report on the flu situation published by the Secretary of State for Health on Thursday (30) confirms 80 cases of influenza in Paraná. In the previous post, ten days ago, there were 77 cases, with 14 deaths. The new bulletin does not record new deaths.

Of the 14 confirmed deaths in this epidemiological period, which began on December 29 of last year, 28.6% occurred in the age group between 60 and 69 years, followed by the age groups between 50 and 59 years and from 70 to 79 years, each one of these groups obtained 14.3%. The deaths were confirmed in the Paranaguá, Curitiba, Ponta Grossa, Guarapuava, Foz do Iguaçu, Maringá, Cornélio Procópio and Ivaiporã Health Regions.

The flu vaccination campaign continues throughout Paraná. In the first phase, which included the elderly and health workers, the vaccination coverage target exceeded 95%, a rate recommended by the Ministry of Health. The campaign is in the second phase and, until this Thursday (30), around 1.7 million people have already been immunized.

The third and last stage of the campaign, which begins on May 9, is aimed at children from 6 months to less than 6 years, pregnant women, postpartum women, people with disabilities, teachers and adults from 55 to 59 years old.

“Paraná mobilizes against influenza in a large association that involves all the municipalities and the 22 regional health offices. Our orientation is that the population recommended by the Ministry of Health seek the vaccine for immunization. The dose against influenza is safe and protects against the virus ”, says the Secretary of State for Health, Beto Preto.

PREVENTION – In addition to the vaccine, one of the main precautions that must be taken to reduce the risk of contamination by the influenza virus is proper hand hygiene. They should be washed frequently with soap and water, and the application of 70% alcohol gel is also recommended. Another precaution is to periodically clean surfaces that come in contact with your hands, such as tables, keyboards, and door handles, with the same product.

It is also recommended that people avoid sharing silverware, glasses, and food and that they always use disposable handkerchiefs or the arm crease to cover their mouths when coughing, sneezing, in addition to maintaining ventilated environments and avoiding crowds of people.

Preventive care must be continuously adopted, as emphasized by the director of Health Care and Surveillance, Maria Goretti David Lopes. “These are healthy habits that everyone should practice to reduce the risk of contamination and spread not only of the flu virus, but of a number of other diseases,” he says.

WHAT IS INFLUENZA – It is an acute viral infection of the respiratory system that is highly transmissible. Symptoms are high fever, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat. If left untreated, it can cause complications, develop pneumonia and cause death.

Transmission occurs through secretions from the respiratory tract when speaking, coughing, or in contact with the hands.

SYMPTOMS – Flu symptoms are high fever, above 38ºC and sudden onset; persistent cough; inflammation in the throat, feeling tired, chills, severe muscle pain and mainly difficulty breathing. From the beginning of these signs, the condition can quickly develop into pneumonia or other infections.

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