Health professionals from the private sector and INEM will be vaccinated as of January 11 | Coronavirus


After the uncertainty of the last days, an indicative date arrived this afternoon for the start of vaccination of health professionals from the private sector and the INEM.

OR coordinator of workgroup for the vaccination plan, Francisco Ramos, guaranteed that both the professionals of the private sector and those of the INEM would begin to receive the vaccine against COVID-19 As of Monday, January 11, Ana Rita Cavaco, president of the Order of Nurses, told the PUBLIC.

The information was transmitted in meeting that Francisco Ramos celebrates periodically with the Order of Doctors, the Order of Nurses, the Order of Dentists and the Order of Pharmacists. Vaccination should be guaranteed with the delivery of the second batch of more than 70,200 doses planned in Portugal this week, after the first 9,750 delivered last Saturday.

The forecast for the private sector – as well as the previous January 4 forecast for vaccination in homes and residential structures for the elderly – is based on meeting the delivery dates set by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer-BioNTech.

The Ministry of Health will be in charge of announcing the schedule of the stages of the plan from the second week of January. Contacted late in the afternoon, the ministry’s press office said no news was expected on Wednesday. The vaccine started to be administered to professionals from five NHS hospitals in the December 27th.

Also contacted, the Ordem dos Médicos did not provide information on the guarantees received. In the morning he announced that he had received contacts from several doctors from the private and social sector, and from the health units themselves. They did not know when they could be vaccinated against covid-19 and wanted to be informed.

A priority issue

Considering that this is a priority issue, the OM launched on Wednesday a survey of doctors to identify who works outside the National Health Service and wants to be vaccinated. This list will then be handed over to the guardianship, said President Miguel Guimarães in the same statement.

In a report to journalists, the association representing private hospitals also considered that “the 15 thousand people who provide treatment and assistance to more than four million patients a year [no sector privado]It should be included “in the level of priority also assigned to professionals in the public sector”.

Such inclusion appears “as decisive in the joint national effort to contain and, subsequently, overcome the virus,” added the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals (APHP).

Official source of this association said that the plan to be drawn up with the Ministry of Health, must undergo an intervention by the Order of Physicians, which will have identified which doctors intend to be vaccinated through the survey launched.

In Portugal, the first phase of vaccination against covid-19 was aimed at healthcare professionals who directly treat patients affected by the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, justified this choice as “pragmatic”, but recalled that it is “only the first moment of the first phase.”
