“He is a scammer because he deceived people and he continues to deceive this election”, says Marisa Matias about André Ventura – O Jornal Económico


The left-wing presidential candidate and MEP Marisa Matias once again reinforced the idea that Chega’s leader, André Ventura, is a “scammer, coward” and decided to add the “paint change” this Monday, December 7.

“André Ventura believes that he puts me in a situation of fear for insulting me, rest assured that I am not afraid that he will insult me ​​or because he calls me a candidate for marijuana or because he calls me Mother Teresa of Calcutta,” said Marisa Matias, leaving the doubt : “I still have to understand why it is an insult for a Catholic to call someone Mother Teresa of Calcutta.”

“He is a scammer because he deceived people and continues to deceive in this election, he deceived by telling people that if he were elected he would demand exclusivity and that he would exercise his mandate exclusively. He didn’t do it, he accumulated salaries ”, explained Marisa Matias in an interview with TVI.

“In relation to cowardice, it is also a matter of fact and the proof is here in matters of affairs and support for the Government of the Azores and that support for the Government of the Azores is based on attacking the poorest. That is why André Ventura continues to attack the poorest to be at the service of the richest, “says the MEP who also considers the president of Chega” to change his paint “because” in the vote for Novo Banco in less than 24 hours André Ventura managed to get three different votes ”.

To reinforce the idea that he defends that André Ventura is a “scammer”, Marisa Matias also said that “in the investigation commissions of the Panama Papers I found the name of the company for which André Ventura worked as a consultant to help avoid taxes ”. . The candidate also expressed the hope of “beating Ventura.”

On November 16, also in an interview with TVI, André Ventura classified Marisa Matias as the “marijuana candidate” and argued that she “represents the worst that the system has, represents the legalization and massification of drugs, the disorientation of the younger classes, and represents the worst for the economy.
