He enters a cafe in Guimarães, attacks an employee with a gun and steals 800 euros


In a year marked by the threat of a ubiquitous virus, many parties across the country have been canceled or severely limited. It is in this shadow that this weekend the Pinheiro stands in Guimarães, a sign of the beginning of the Nicolinas festivities. On the night of November 29-30, Pinheiro runs through the city pulled by oxen, followed by a procession led by the Chief of Bombs. The students, young and old, make Pinheiro’s touch heard, drumming on the boxes and attacking the drums, to the rhythm set by the Chief and his “doll”. Thousands of people follow the show. In 2020 there will be none of this. The Pinheiro will be placed at the top, in the usual place, without courtship, out of public view, outside the scheduled night and at a time that few know, for the good of public health.

The Nicoline Festivals, however, are more than the number of Pinheiro, as José Ribeiro explained to O MINHO the president of the Association of Former Students of the Liceu de Guimarães / Velhos Nicolinos.

José Ribeiro. Photo: Facebook

How did the “Viejos Nicolinos” install their headquarters in Torre dos Almadas, in the heart of the Historic Center?

At the end of the fifties the Association of Former Students of the Liceu de Guimarães was created, now known as “Velhos Nicolinos”, which included, at that time, only high school students, unlike what happens today that covers all the baccalaureate. The purpose of this association was to give a guarantee that the festivities would never end, because there were years when the festivities were interrupted. As the people who were part of this association were the so-called “living forces” of the city, linked to political, economic and religious power, at that time they requested that this Torre dos Almadas install the headquarters. The house was abandoned and it is easy to see that because of the power they had, it was not difficult for them to achieve it. Since then, the headquarters is there.

What is the purpose of this Association of Old Nicolinos?

This association has activities throughout the year, bringing together all members. We have around 1,500 active associates. There are a number of activities throughout the year, most of which go unnoticed, but always with the purpose of uniting the Nicoline family, uniting Nicolinos. There were times, when it also had the function of helping needy students, with scholarships. Even today, the association awards awards to the best high school students. Today the part of social support does not make much sense, because there are other types of institutions that are dedicated to these problems, but for many years it was an important function. Then there is one of the numbers of the Nicolinas Festivals, the Danças de São Nicolau, which have always been organized by older Nicolines. It is a number that requires a lot of work and patience, which young people sometimes lack.

Nicolinas parties 2019. Photo: CM Guimarães / Press Release / Archive

In the Danças de São Nicolau, did José Ribeiro play D. Afonso Henriques for many years?

I have played D. Afonso Henriques for more than 20 years. This year it would be 22 years. I was preceded by José Maria Magalhães, a great Nicolino who recently passed away. It was the charismatic Afonso Henriques de São Nicolau Dances. José Maria Magalhães first played D. Afonso Henriques in 1972/73; to me.

Is it the role of a lifetime?

I am a completely amateur actor, once a year, like 90% of the people who participate. What makes me most proud is to contribute to the continuity of a number of Nicolino and the responsibility that whoever supports me.

How is the interaction between the commission each year, the young Nicolines and the “Old Nicolinos”? Do you use the Torre de Almadas to collect?

This is excellent for the moment. In the recent past, there have been some problems, but this is not the case now. They use the Torre de las Almadas whenever they wish, although they have another seat, provided by the Chamber. This place does not have the same facilities as the Tower and, therefore, it is here that they are permanently located. Our support is very important, because they are 16-year-old boys, with a great responsibility on their shoulders.

From the moment the Commission is elected, its big job is to raise funds for the holidays. Won’t it always be easy?

They are elected in the last week of September and the big challenge is through the pedestals to raise funds for the holidays. Today’s peduncles have spread outside the municipality, reaching Fafe, for example. They grew up like the Festivals themselves. Peditories are part of the mystique. If by chance there was a year in which there was no need to request a ticket, the students would be sad. Pinheiro costs a lot of money, oxen cost thousands of euros, you have to get a lot of money. But that is never a problem.

Nicolinas Festivities 2019. Photo: CM Guimarães / Press Release / Archive

Nicolinas today took a dimension that goes beyond the importance it has for students, is it a cultural brand of the city and a tourist emblem?

Yes, definitely. The Fiestas, today, especially the Pinheiro, are an event in the city that has already exceeded its walls. The House is aware of this importance and therefore supports it. See the weight of the Day of the Pine for the restoration in the city and even in the municipality.

There was talk of the possibility of classifying the Nicoline Festivals as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, however, this was somewhat overshadowed because at one point it was said that they call for excessive alcohol consumption. How do you see these criticisms?

The study book that talks about it will be published on December 4. It would be the day for the number of Posses, however, as this year will not happen, it was decided to release the book. An initiative of the City Council. For me it is a great distress when the nicolines are associated with alcohol. It is true that, in the year in which the study was carried out, there were some excesses in the meetings of the Commission and this had to be reversed. But we have to understand that we are talking about young people. Also, we are here in an area where alcohol is part of all popular festivals.

And women today demand equal status in all aspects of life in society. How is your role in Nicolinas?

Women have always played a fundamental role in Nicolinas. The Pinheiro procession before April 25 did not take new students, only old students attended. Things have now evolved, they have not only opened up to new students but also to women. I would say that in the Pinheiro parade, today they are half. Then there are the figures that, by their form, imply a different participation of men and women. The maçazinhas, for example, only make sense if the boy is going to offer the apple to the girl who is waiting in the window that he previously decorated. The Nicolinas are all dedicated to the woman they love.

Pinheiro is today the best-known number of Festivals, but it was not always like that, was there a time when it was different?

Yes, but you need to go back a lot. Today, it is the dimension of the Parade de los Pinos that makes the Nicoline Festivals great. The reunion that takes place that night is very important, with people who went to school in Guimarães returning to the city to see friends. Pinheiro, in fact, there were not even several parties, announces the start of the parties. How, by that Minho outside, in many places, a pole is raised to announce the holidays. Today it has earned the status of several Fiestas and, I would say, many of the people who participate in this journey do not even know what Nicolinas as a whole are.

Nicolinas started out being for an elite. They were reserved for high school students, and before April 25, those who wanted to go to high school did not go to school. How did the democratization of the Nicoline festivals come about?

The commercial and industrial schools taught until the fifth year and those excluded, the baccalaureate gave the seventh year and the possibility of continuing studies for the university. Only those who attended high school participated in Nicolinas. After April 25, with the unification of teaching, it made no sense to keep Nicolinas at Martins Sarmento High School (as the high school began to be called). I have many colleagues who went to the Industrial School who could not hear from Nicolinas, because they could not participate.

Was democratization peaceful or were there people who resisted?

It was gradual and peaceful. In 1982, a protocol was signed between all schools to become part of it. After April 25, the baccalaureate continued to predominate, but when it was necessary to take the step it was easy. Of course, the high school continued to contribute more, for a few years, but now that is completely out of date.

What will become of the Nicoline Festivities in this very special year that we are living?

Nicolinas will suffer like other emblematic parties of that country. Of course, Guimarães lives things more aggressively. For the population the main concern is not the number of parties, it is Pinheiro. Of course, this is not the case with the Commission.

And what will happen to Pinheiro?

What we want is for people to stay home. The Chamber and the Police are not going to make it easy for anyone who wants to approach. There will be no procession, the pine has already been cut and will be placed in the usual place, at an indeterminate time, outside the night. At most, the Commission will be there. A purely symbolic moment.
