He came and won. How far away is André Ventura?


It was a lonely decision for André Ventura when he created Chega. In the municipalities of 2017, his statements against gypsies fell like a bomb and the party for which he had run showed his displeasure – Pedro Passos Coelho, unlike the CDS, did not withdraw his support, but the displeasure of many social democratic voices. “I felt that a large part of the party, if not the majority, was not reflected in my model of thinking regarding minority relations, the rule of law and various other structuring issues. In 2019 there would be two events (European and legislative) and I understood that it was time to create this rupture, it was not the PSD that had changed, it was my thought that was no longer part of what the PSD thought for the country. the left, at least for a certain center of the political spectrum, and I understood that that was not where the center right should be in the 21st century, ”says André Ventura.

Hasn’t stopped since. The controversies, the news, the criticisms – Chega is labeled as a party of the extreme right, radical, populist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic – did not stop André Ventura, who was elected the only deputy of the party in October last year. The defense of life imprisonment and the death penalty (the party held an internal referendum on the issue on the same day as the directives, this Saturday, September 5, but 56% said “no” to capital punishment), defends the reduction of Arabs enter Europe, but continue to recruit followers. André Ventura refuses to be classified as racist or homophobic and sees in these “epithets” an attempt to cantonize the party by those who have already realized “that it cannot stop the growth of Chega.”
