Gypsy community of Barcelos in prophylactic isolation after a positive case


The Roma community of Lagoa Negra, in the parish of Barqueiros, in Barcelos, has been in prophylactic isolation since Wednesday, after a case of covid-19 was detected there.

According to what MINHO learned, on Thursday the covid-19 screening tests were carried out on about 50 people, including children and the elderly, who make up that community.

Health authorities await the results of the tests to understand the scale of the problem and to be able to act in the best way to solve it.

This Friday, O MINHO knows, the health authorities examined a neighboring community to see if there was contact with the isolated one.

The situation is being viewed with great concern by health authorities, the local authority and the security forces.

Barcelos GNR has been ensuring that prophylactic isolation standards are met.

For now, according to what MINHO learned, the community is complying with the authorities’ determinations and the situation will be under control.

Community received hygiene kits

In order to protect Roma communities in these pandemic times, the European Anti-Poverty Network has distributed hundreds of hygiene kits, bred under the “Roma SOS Communities” campaign, in nine counties across the country.

The communities of Barqueiros, in Barcelos, are among those who received the ‘kits’ made up of gloves, masks, alcohol, soap, disinfecting wipes and bleach.

Delivery of hygiene kits to the community with the presence of the councilor for Social Action of the municipality of Barcelos.

The team was delivered on Tuesday at the Abel Varzim Center, in the neighboring parish of Cristelo, with the presence of the Councilor for Social Action in the Municipality of Barcelos, Armandina Saleiro.

The mayor, quoted in a camera statement, stressed “the importance of adopting new social behaviors and good practices to contain the spread of covid-19.”

The Councilor for Social Action also emphasized the need to sensitize the Roma community to “the risks associated with some common practices in their daily life, discouraging group travel, whether it be trips to the supermarket and the hospital, in the case of those who live in tents and have the habit of using public toilets simultaneously with several people from the same home. “

Covid-19 ‘shoot’ cases in Barcelos

This Friday, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health, Barcelos registered a significant increase in cases: 46 more, bringing the total number to 275.

However, according to the mayor of Barcelos, Miguel Costa Gomes, revealed in a videoconference on Tuesday, local health authorities already report 340 cases.

The mayor stressed that the increase in cases may be related to the “Easter effect”, a favorable time for family gatherings.

It should be remembered that Barcelos was one of the municipalities where violations of the safety and hygiene regulations imposed by the General Directorate of Health were registered. Having a ‘hummingbird’ in the parish of Martim generated enormous controversy.

Portugal has been in a calamity situation since Sunday due to the covid-19 pandemic, after 45 days in a state of emergency, which ran from March 19 to May 2.

The country currently registers 1,114 covid-19-related deaths, nine more than on Thursday and 27,268 infected (553 more), according to the epidemiological bulletin published by the General Directorate of Health.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already caused some 269,000 deaths and infected more than 3.8 million people in 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.2 million patients were considered cured.
