Guimarães is one of the most “critical” areas


The Chamber of Fafe announced today that the minimum rate of the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) for urban buildings and deductions of up to 70 euros for families with dependents is approved.

Depending on the municipality, families with one dependent deduct 20 euros, with two dependents 40 euros and with three or more 70 euros.

“The application of the minimum IMI rate, associated with the fixed deduction for households with dependents, means a return to families residing in the municipality of Fafe that exceeds 2.8 million euros,” read a statement sent to Lusa.

The City Council also indicates that the setting of the Derrama at 1.2% and the exemption for companies with a turnover of up to 150 thousand euros was approved.

This decision maintains, says the municipality, “a responsible municipal fiscal policy with the aim of supporting companies.”

Quoted in the statement, the mayor of Fafe, Raúl Cunha, points out that “the setting of municipal taxes at reduced rates is in line with the main concern of this Executive”, in the sense of “giving more and better living conditions to Fafenses “.

According to the mayor, it is intended to “alleviate the tax burden on families and companies, in a responsible logic, taking into account the principle of fiscal stability and the position of a responsible family municipality.”

“These measures are only possible because the municipality maintains good management and balanced accounts,” added Raúl Cunha.
