Guardian highlights Portugal. “Prepared for the worst case scenario,” says Sales


Dafter Portugal has been in the news abroad multiple times due to speed in the fight pandemic from Covid-19 and for some measures taken by the Government of António Costa, it is the turn of the renowned newspaper britThe Guardian will dedicate an article to our country this Sunday.

This begins with a comparison between the number of cases and deaths that have been recorded here, paralleling the most dramatic figures that have occurred in nearby countries such as Spain and France. The publication stresses that although our population is aging, infections and deaths they are, fortunately, we add, at a much lower value.

António Lacerda Sales, Secretary of State for Health, declared to the publication that the The government “took the right measures at the right time.”

“The Portuguese response to the global outbreak of coronavirus, from the beginning, was based on the best scientific advice and the experience of other countries, “he said. “It was regularly reevaluated and adapted to a very rapid evolution. The country has prepared for the worst scenario “he added.

The question of schools, from kindergartens to universities, has still been closed in March It was another point that stood out in this piece. “Anticipating the spread of infection and transmission in the community, the Government decided to close [estas] institutions to limit the Contact large number of people in a confined space“clarified the Secretary of State for Health.

It should be remembered that, according to the epidemiological bulletin revealed by Direction-General health (DGS) This Sunday, Portugal registered 27 more deaths and 521 cases of infection for the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours There are a total of 714 deaths and 20,206 infections.

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