Green hydrogen box. Prime Minister caught eavesdropping. Target was the Minister of the Environment – Observer


The Public Ministry will have intercepted conversations between the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Environment, in the context of the case of green hydrogen and in which the target of the hearing was Matos Fernandes – the Undersecretary of State and Energy, João Galamba, and the Minister of Economy, Siza Vieira. Although the investigation targeted several members of the Executive none was constituted accused.

The news is released this Thursday by Expresso, which reports that the wiretaps in which António Costa was caught were evaluated by António Piçarra, president of the Supreme Court of Justice, and it was decided to destroy of them, whenever a prime minister is subject to a telephone interception, the president of the STJ must evaluate the validity of the same.

In this case, the president of the Supreme Court will have argued that the wiretaps have no evidence or relevant criminal material. The Public Ministry, however, will not have agreed, considering that the talks are relevant, and appealed the destruction, now being the decision in the hands of an advisory judge.

Total no, there were two wiretaps that were already appreciated by António Piçarrasays the Expresso, without deciding on a third party.

On Saturday it reported in November that government officials “are suspected of favoring the EDP / Galp / REN consortium in the millionaire green hydrogen project for Sines.” At stake is one of the biggest projects selected last year for a national application for status of common interest to the European Commission and would also join Martifer and Vestas, a Danish company.

At that time on Saturday he wrote that Siza Vieira, as well as Galamba, had been heard, but the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP) rejected that the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition, Siza Vieira, has been intervened in the investigation carried out in that department and in the area where suspicions of corruption are investigated.

Follow a news story in today’s press [quinta-feira] and related to an investigation to be carried out under the terms of the DCIAP, under the terms of article 86, No. 13, al. b) of the Criminal Procedure Code, it is clarified that the Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition was not subject to telephone interceptions ”, reads a note published in November.

The Public Ministry (MP) also confirmed that at the time “the aforementioned investigation [tinha] constituted accused ”and that“ the respective investigation [decorria] subject to the secret of justice “.

MP guarantees that Minister Pedro Siza Vieira was not the target of wiretapping

Since then, says the Expresso, there has been no news regarding the Portuguese hydrogen supply. Contacted now by this weekly, António Costa’s office said to “ignore” any eavesdropping and “[agradeceu] information”. The Attorney General’s Office did not respond to the newspaper in due time.
