Graça Freitas is recovering from Covid-19. Director General of Health returns to work with “gratitude for life” – Jornal Economico


The general director of Health, Graça Freitas, has already recovered from covid-19 and will return to work on Monday, about three weeks after becoming infected. The return is accompanied by “a feeling of gratitude for life, because nature has given this gift,” he said in an interview with the newspaper “Sol”.

“I feel very relieved,” Graça Freitas said, noting that she was considered “a candidate for a severe form of the disease” because she had “a complicated history of the disease.” However, she is relieved “for not having complications and not having infected anyone.”

Graça Freitas highlights the “feeling of vulnerability” and the fear she felt about contaminating her husband, which ended up not happening. In addition, he said that he is not yet fully aware of how he was infected, although he believes that he contracted the virus about three weeks ago, in a meeting in which he participated with a colleague who was infected.

“We all wore a mask. One person was sick and did not know, “he said, noting that” as a whole “the participants in the meeting met health standards. “We were five feet apart [de distância], maybe, ”he pointed out.

“I don’t know exactly how it was, no one does,” he said, admitting that “there may not be enough air in the room” where the meeting took place. “I was there for half an hour and I didn’t leave with the feeling that I was at risk (…) It is a virus that circulates very easily,” he concluded.
