Graça Freitas entered the DGS from ″ quarantine ″ and left as a public figure


When everyone was sent home due to the pandemic, Graça Freitas was “quarantined” at DGS, where she worked 15 hours a day. The day she resumed her usual tour, she discovered that she was no longer an anonymous citizen.

It is a rare day in which Graça Freitas has not appeared in the media since the beginning, in March, of the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal. It has become one of the main actors in the fight against a disease that has already caused 3,181 deaths in the country in 198,011 confirmed cases of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In an interview with the Lusa agency, the doctor who formally succeeded, on January 2, 2018, Francisco George in the direction of the General Directorate of Health (where he had been acting temporarily since the previous year and where he had previously been deputy general director) ) confessed that it took him “some time” to get an idea of ​​the media coverage he was getting.

“It took me a while to realize this because it is such a confusion that we live in, and the first days were so intense, that it was more of a task, one more thing and there was not enough time to get an idea of ​​this exhibition”, Graça Freitas, 63, said.

When the state of emergency was declared and the Portuguese were confined at home, this did not happen at the DGS: “We had the quarantine on the contrary, which was in the workplace,” he recalled.

“We spent 12, 14, 15 hours in the workplace. I did not have the external perception that I was a person who had entered the lives of others for better or for worse,” said the public health specialist.
