Graça Freitas after covid-19: ″ It is a feeling of vulnerability ″


“It is a feeling of vulnerability. For a few days we have not known what will happen, and this uncertainty is heavy,” said the general director of Health, Graça Freitas, about her experience with covid-19. In an interview with the newspaper Sol, he said that he did not have a fever or extreme fatigue, but rather needed to rest. On Monday he goes back to work.

Graça Freitas says that she was infected in DGS. “I was on my floor and three specialists were on the 3rd floor, in a video conference. I went to see the finale. We were all wearing a mask. One of the people was sick and did not know,” he said. “I think since they have been working in a room that is not large for a long time, there may not be enough ventilation. It is a theory. But I was not there more than half an hour and when I left for the office I did not have the feeling of having been at risk “he explained.

The meeting was on Friday, on Sunday the colleague called to say that she had tested positive. Graça Freitas had already begun to have “mild, nonspecific” symptoms, saying that “it could be anything else”. But it was Covid-19. Confirmation came on December 2. “My great anguish was to think that my husband might be infected,” she said.

“It is hard to think about others. I live alone with my husband and since this started we have not had any contact, except for our maid who, when she comes in, we go out. No one comes to the house. We have been very parsimonious in visiting the family” . , only when it is really necessary, “he added in the interview with Sol.
