Graça Freitas: ″ We are sorry, but the next times will be of great restrictions [quanto a eventos]″


Repeating several times the idea that it is necessary to contain the growth of new cases in the country, to “flatten the curve” and control the pandemic, Graça Freitas asked for patience, a spirit of sacrifice and an additional effort to comply with the restrictive norms and measures . as it drew attention, it is “our behaviors that stop the epidemic wave.”

Appealing not only individual responsibility, but that of those responsible for each sector to create the conditions for compliance with regulations and respect for measures, The Director General of Health recalled that exactly eight months ago the first case appeared in Portugal.

“We are all learning with each passing day and we are all tired, but we cannot lower our guard, no matter how tired we are, because that depends on our protection and that of others”he said, explaining once again that the virus is not transmitted it just depends on us to spread.

“The virus passes from person to person and, if nothing is done, new contagion curves will appear in the population. We are in an upward phase and we have to remember that we need to flatten the curve, which will only happen when we have fewer new cases, fewer hospitalizations, fewer deaths and fewer contacts to see. “

To flatten the curve, which will ease the pressure on the National Health Service and allow you to catch your breath until there is a vaccine or effective treatments, there is only one strategy: prevention.

Reduce the number of contacts

In addition to the rules repeated until exhaustion: keep your physical distance, wear a mask, wash and disinfect your hands frequently, respect respiratory etiquette, avoid as much as possible putting your hands to the face, especially the mouth and the nose, and ventilate closed spaces -, Graça Freitas highlighted the importance at this stage of “reducing the number of contacts between people. This is the great measure.”
