Government will compensate the loss of 20% of the income of the restaurants – O Jornal Economico


The Government will compensate in 20% the loss of income of the restaurants by having to reduce their activity during the next two weekends.

This compensation will be calculated against the average of 44 weekends between January and October of this year.

“Through the electronic invoice mechanism, we will be able to know the average income of each restaurant during the weekend during the 44 weekends we had between January and the end of October. Thus, from the next 25, until the 2020 counter, the owners of restaurants, cafes and similar establishments will be able to communicate, under a commitment of honor, what was the effective collection that they will lose in the next two weekends and the measure. it consisted of a support of 20% of the loss of income in these weekends ”compared to the average of 44 weekends mentioned, the Prime Minister said today.

But why the 20%? Costa explained that fixed costs represent 40% of restaurant billing, and half refers to labor costs that are already borne by the set of measures, such as the simplified dismissal that, in its first phase, supported 20 one thousand establishments, now 11,200 covered, with a total value of 240 million euros.

“Therefore, we believe that we can seek to alleviate the especially negative impact in the restaurant sector,” as stated by the minister during the briefing of the Council of Ministers.

Regarding dates, support can be requested from November 25 and then “it will be a relatively simplified process because from 20 we already have all the billing information – restaurant to restaurant – until the end of October, so it can be confirmed between what people say is their recipe and the recipe they had during the 44 weekends ”.

António Costa also guaranteed that these supports are cumulative with others already in force. “It is not only cumulative with support at the municipal level, but it is also cumulative with other state support, that is, in the area of ​​recovery support measures and the support package announced last week.”
