Government warns private schools that they cannot teach on the eve of the holidays | Coronavirus


Private schools will not be able to teach classes on November 30 and December 7, the eve of holidays when the Government has determined the suspension of all educational activities. The private and cooperative sector is also covered by the decree to renew the state of emergency, explains the Executive, after private schools have said that they will teach remotely these days.

Contacted by the PUBLIC, the Government source refers to the decree on the renewal of the state of emergency, published on Sunday, which, in paragraph 4 of article 22, is clear: “Teaching and non-teaching and training activities are suspended in educational establishments. public, private and cooperative and the social and solidarity sector of preschool, basic, secondary and higher education and in the social facilities to support early childhood or disability, as well as in the training centers of direct or participative management of the network Instituto do Rede. Employment and vocational training, PI ”

In other words, there are no classes, on the eve of the two December holidays, at all educational levels, from kindergartens to higher education, both in the public and private sectors. The suspension of activities also includes the IEFP centers and institutions that work with people with disabilities.

The Government’s clarification comes shortly after the Association of Private and Cooperative Educational Establishments (AEEP) declared, in a statement, that the suspension of activities in educational establishments decreed for November 30 and December 7 would be just “a suspension physical “. For this reason, “nothing prevents the schools, in their form of organization, from continuing with their educational mission in a non-face-to-face format”, defended the same organization.

AEEP maintains the interpretation that there may be distance classes on those days, but avoids a conflict scenario with the Government. “Most of [dos colégios] activities will be interrupted on those days and many have even already planned these bridges in their calendars ”, says the general director of the private association, Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo. “There is no disagreement between AEEP and the Government. Mondays are for people to stay at home ”, he adds.

The interpretation of the AEEP is due to the way in which the preamble of the Government decree is drawn up, which refers to the suspension of “teaching and non-teaching and training activities with the presence of students in educational establishments”. However, this is not the formulation that appears in the diploma articles.

The same doubt had already been raised on Monday by several higher education professors who, given the divergence between the wording of the preamble of the diploma and their allegation, had doubts about the maintenance of classes that are already taught at a distance in the previous two. holidays. Faced with these issues, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education also referred the PUBLIC to the articles of the decree, ensuring that the suspension covers all classes. In addition, in the case of public and polytechnic universities, teachers are covered by the tolerance of points granted for the same days.

Update at 12:30 pm: Add the declarations of the General Director of AEEP.
