Government signs an agreement with Grupo Lusíadas to care for patients without a place in the SNS


The private ones made themselves available, Marta Temido rejected the aid because the SNS could solve it. But that was the first wave. And now that the covid figures are breaking daily records in Portugal, with particular incidence and severity in the North, it is the very guardianship to seek help from the private sector.

This week we learned about the agreement signed between ARS Norte and José de Mello Saúde (CUF Group) in the sense that the CUF unit in Porto receives covid patients from the SNS, now it is the Lusíadas Saúde Group that must be called to help – this time with regard to medical care resulting from all the conditions that public hospitals cannot provide given the escalation of covid cases.

Since November 3, Lusíadas Saúde has been acting in the scope of an office of the Ministry of Health, which indicates that the SNS units must see suspended “non-urgent care activity that, due to its nature or clinical priority, is not life threatening For the users “. This contingency circumstance implies an even more pronounced growth in waiting lists, which are currently in the order of 1 million consultations, 100,000 exams and more than 60,000 surgeries ”, in which the private group will now intervene.

Given the current public health context and during the meetings it has held with the Ministry of Health during the last week, Lusíadas is readjusting the care profile of its units in the north of the country – Lusíadas Porto Hospital and Lusíadas Hospital. Braga – contribute even more actively in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic and the urgent need to act in the consultations, diagnosis and treatment of other non-covid-19 pathologies”, Explains the group in a statement sent to DN / Dinheiro Vivo.

The recourse to individuals, which the guardianship initially rejected, is now the solution. A solution, moreover, that has been demanded by a wide range of Portuguese society, including former Health ministers such as Adalberto Campos Fernandes (head of the portfolio in the first government of António Costa) and the mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira. , who even this afternoon defended that we should not look at a “National Health Service but at the National Health System that we have.”

Also since Tuesday (3), the Lusíadas group has been in direct contact with ARS Norte, having “started the process of adhering to the agreement that, in addition to doubling the installed capacity of the SIGIC – already informed and in operation -“, will allow the admission of patients with medical conditions in the acute phase, “while the” capacity negotiations “with a reference hospital in Porto are still” finalizing “to further accelerate the execution of urgent surgeries on the waiting list,” a total of 25 medical and surgical beds “.
