Government rules out “for now” new fences in the country due to the pandemic – Jornal Económico


The Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, said this Friday that the Government does not contemplate the imposition of sanitary fences, even with the accelerated daily increase in Covid-19 cases.

“It was that question that we always asked ourselves at the beginning. We have learned much more with the evolution of the pandemic and I believe that, at this stage, the current sanitary fences are not considered for now, in view of the epidemiological evolution. […]. For now, we have not placed sanitary fences, “said the government official during the press conference accompanying the results of the epidemic bulletin of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lacerda Sales pointed out, however, that the Government does not know the future of the pandemic, which is “a very great uncertainty.” In other words, sanitary fences are a hypothesis that has only been excluded for now.

The Secretary of State also announced that the General Directorate of Health (DGS) is developing guidelines on the use of masks. Asked about the news that indicates that inmates are not required to wear masks in prisons, the official defended their use.

“What I believe is that, since the prison environment is in closed spaces, I reiterate the statement of the minister [da Saúde]: Yes, masks must be worn inside prisons ”.

Since May, the government has legislated to force the use of a mask on public transport or other public services and, more recently, on the street if there are many people walking. Now, in prisons, prisoners are not required to do so. The only exception is when they go for medical appointments or go to court.

Asked, in addition, about the holding of the PCP congress and whether the DGS is monitoring the organization of the great meeting of the communists, Lacerda Sales limited himself to saying that the organization led by Graças Freitas will be “at the height of its responsibilities.”

“The Government cannot prohibit what the law prohibits. I would say that what DGS has to do is its work, and its work is eminently technical, analytical. Obviously, depending on the epidemiological situation, you will have to do an analysis of the different documents and the different plans that are requested. That is why it is not up to the government to share moods, it is up to the law to enforce. In the particular case of health, it is necessary to ensure that the defense of the Portuguese is assured ”, he said.

To date, Portugal has 61 more deaths related to covid-19 and 6,489 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Health Directorate.
