Government relaunches #EstudoEmCasa 2020/2021


The Government will relaunch the #EstudoemCasa. The reissue of the project, called #EstudoemCasa 2020/2021 “O seu companão de escola”, will be relaunched by the Ministry of Education, in alliance with RTP, taking into account “the widespread recognition of the added value and impact of this resource”, when schools were closed due to the pandemic.

In a statement, the tutelage led by Tiago Brandão Rodrigues highlights that this educational tool aims to “be a complement to the school” and reveals that some new features have been introduced compared to the previous model. “A coordination team and a specific team were created for its development, made up of about four dozen teachers and four Portuguese sign language interpreters,” reveals the Ministry of Education.

This new phase of the project will have a particular impact on Basic Education, starting on October 19, to follow the school calendar defined by the Ministry of Education (during the five weeks dedicated specifically to the recovery of learning).

Daily content on RTP will have a limited time, in blocks of 30 minutes, for a total of 75 blocks per week. The transmission will be done in RTP Memória, as it happened, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. The morning blocks will be dedicated to the 1st and 2nd cycle and the afternoon blocks to the 3rd cycle, which will begin on November 4.

“Note the important autonomy of the 1st and 2nd year, which arises from the need to adapt to the specificities of this beginning of the cycle, marked by the acquisition of writing and reading, a factor that inevitably conditions the methodology to be adopted, being evident in In the 1st year, the preponderance of the command of orality, for example, in comprehension activities, as a way of preparing for future written comprehension activities. The introduction of the new 3rd block of ‘Guidance for autonomous work’ arises from the awareness of the need to develop in students forms of self-regulation and deepening of learning ”, highlights the tutelage.

The #EstudoEmCasa 2020/2021 will also include the extension to Secondary Education, with content available on RTP Play and the APP, “in order to be used to reinforce learning, especially in contexts outside the classroom. These contents will begin to be available in November ”.

The #EstudoEmCasa 2020/2021 of Basic Education will be broadcast on RTP Memória, on the following channels:

• DTT – position 7

• MEO – position 100

• NOS – position 19

• Vodafone – position 17

• Nowo – position 13

It will also be available at: (daily broadcast on demand and individual modules); (where the contents used by teachers in each block are housed);

• #EstudoEmCasa application.
