Government promises to pay aid of 438.81 euros at the end of November | Social Security


The Minister of Labor, Ana Mendes Godinho, promised this Tuesday in Parliament that Social Security will pay until the end of November the expired support to independent, informal workers and others without access to the first social protection measures put in place to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At stake are the fixed support amounts of 438.81 euros per month, the extraordinary measure that was created with the Supplementary Budget and that should have been assigned as of July.

There are about 13,000 citizens who, having requested access to this instrument, are waiting for Social Security to regularize payments. Support for July, August, and September has yet to be processed.

Ana Mendes Godinho revealed that, of this universe, “only about 200 people had not benefited from the extraordinary support that had been created until the Supplementary Budget.”

The remaining 12,800 include the self-employed who have already exhausted access to the first measure to support the interruption of activity (those who received monthly support since March completed access in August, because this first instrument exists only to alleviate non-compliance with activity) . six months, consecutive or interpolated). In these cases, the self-employed can now request this new fixed aid of 438.81 euros. Likewise, those who are still in a position to request access to the first measure can benefit from the fixed support of 438.81 euros if the value of the first measure is less than this.

Faced with the confrontation of the PSD deputy, Clara Marques Mendes, with the delays in the implementation of some of the extraordinary measures, such as unemployment benefits for cessation of activity (regulated only this month, on November 4) or this fixed support of 438, 81 euros for the self-employed and informal (which was also only regulated on October 23), the minister defended the work of Social Security, stating that this institute “has made it impossible to reach people”, by processing existing benefits and those that had to be legislated since March, Mendes Godinho even referred to Social Security workers as “heroes.”

The PSD deputy accused the minister of “resigning” from her duties and of failing to comply with the measures provided for in the Supplementary Budget, a position that Ana Mendes Godinho rejected, recalling the universe of citizens and companies protected by the extraordinary measures.

The left-wing deputy José Soeiro also criticized the government’s actions, stating that the Executive “does not fulfill the announced commitments on time.”

Regarding the delays in the payment of the fixed aid of 438.81 euros, which is granted between July and December of this year, Social Security justified the delay to the PUBLIC on the fact that the ordinance was published on October 23 and has yet to be published. “Order reprocessing” must be checked under the first support (business interruption) “to see if they have a lower value” than the other fixed support of 438.81 euros (because it applies the most favorable value for the worker) if the amount of the first aid is less than € 438.81).

The Secretary of State for Social Security, Gabriel Bastos, said that on November 6, 47 million euros were paid to the managing partners, including the values ​​of the retroactive payments of the previous months. In total, 53 thousand managing partners have been supported so far, with an associated expense of 249 million euros.

Regarding support for 2021, the PCP and BE ask for changes so that more citizens are covered. PCP deputy Diana Ferreira said that the extraordinary support “has to go far beyond the universe that is considered [e] it has to respond to more workers in a more coherent and reinforced way ”.

Mendes Godinho had already said, in his previous visit to Parliament, that the proposal included in the initial version of the Budget will be modified to cover 250,000 workers.

On the BE side, José Soeiro affirmed that the government’s initial proposal will put thousands of workers out of work, due to the way the rules were designed, and will leave others with a lower living value than they currently have. For BE, the executive should extend the period of granting unemployment benefit, instead of “throwing” the unemployed who have deducted from Social Security, but no longer have access to unemployment benefit, to “extraordinary aid without tax career “. .
