Government prohibits circulation between municipalities between October 30 and November 3 – O Jornal Económico


The Government agreed this Thursday in the Council of Ministers to prohibit circulation in the different provinces of the continental territory between 00:00 on October 30 and 24:00 on November 3, each citizen cannot move between municipalities.

“A resolution was approved that determines the prohibition of circulation between different municipalities of the continental territory between 00:00 hours on October 30 and 23:59 hours on November 3, and that defines a set of special measures applicable to municipalities de Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira in the context of the calamity situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic ”, can be read in the statement of the Council of Ministers.

The Government also decided, in the Council of Ministers, that the municipalities of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira will be subject to limitations as of 00:00 hours on October 23, as was previously the case with the 19 parishes of Lisbon, due to the evolution of the pandemic situation in these territories, announced the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva

“For Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira, the duty to stay at home was approved with the exception of a set of activities similar to what had already happened in the past for the 19 parishes of Lisbon: working, attending school and other activities ”, he began referring to the rule.

The minister added that, in these territories, it is forbidden to hold events with more than five people in these municipalities, and all establishments must close after 10 p.m. The Government also defined compulsory telework for these municipalities, the suspension of visits to homes and continuous care establishments or the operation of day centers and the prohibition of fairs and markets.

(in update)
