Government measures are “catastrophic” for restaurants and accommodation – DNOTICIAS.PT


The general secretary of the Portuguese Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar (AHRESP) described today as “catastrophic” the traffic restrictions announced today by the Government for the next two weekends, within the scope of the state of emergency.

“It is evident that these measures, fundamentally the measures applied to the next two weekends, are catastrophic for catering and accommodation,” Ana Jacinto told Lusa, when asked about the circulation restrictions adopted for the 121 most important municipalities . affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

The representative of the companies in the sector said that she had already received, “from several businessmen,” she pointed out that the reservations they already had were all canceled, “so the effects of the restrictions are already being felt.

“We do not believe that the Government, had it had alternatives, would have opted for these options. That is why it considered that these options were crucial for us to be able to stop the pandemic,” he said, calling for inversely proportional measures to support companies.

Thus, defends Ana Jacinto, “it is also necessary that there are crucial, vital and robust measures for companies to survive, because if it is not now, the State will have to bear all these charges tomorrow,” he stressed.

“We have 400 thousand direct jobs, that’s what we are talking about, and people will be left without work, because companies will not be able to do for much longer what they have been doing, which is to be resilient and have a job. But they will not be able to do it for much longer ”, anticipated the person in charge of the sector.

The Government approved this Saturday the measures of the state of emergency that will come into force between Monday and November 23, anticipating a night curfew during the week in the 121 municipalities with the highest risk of contagion, where there is “a high risk of transmission of covid-19 “, which covers 70% of the resident population, including all the municipalities of the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto.

In these 121 counties, there is a stay-at-home duty, stores must close by 10 PM and restaurants must close by 10:30 PM, but mayors can set a closing time below the established maximum limit. with the favorable opinion of the local health authority and the security forces.

The ban on driving on public roads is in force between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. from Monday to Friday and on the weekends of November 14 and 15 and November 21 and 22 from 1 p.m.
