Government extended admissibility of several documents until December 31 – O Jornal Económico


The Government extended until December 31 the admissibility of documents such as the medical certificates of disability evaluation that expire this year and the cards, certificates, licenses and citizen authorizations whose validity ended 15 days ago.

“Citizen ID, certificates and certificates issued by the civil registration and identification services, documents and visas related to the stay in national territory, as well as licenses and authorizations, whose validity expires from the date of entry into force of this decree – law [hoje] or in the immediately preceding 15 days, they are accepted, under the same terms, until December 31, 2021 ”.

The decree-law published this Wednesday in the Diário da República and which comes into effect today adopts a series of measures to combat the covid-19 pandemic from an epidemiological perspective and of social and economic support to families and companies.

The decree specifies that the admissibility of certain documents, such as disability evaluation medical certificates that expire this year, citizenship cards, certificates and certificates issued by the civil registration and identification services, documents and visas related to the stay in national territory, licenses and authorizations, as well as ADSE cards for family beneficiaries.

It was also determined that the provisional registration certificates, whose validity expired as of January 25 of this year, are automatically revalidated for 60 days.

According to the decree-law, until July 1, 2021, the obligation of food and beverage service providers to adapt to the non-use and unavailability of single-use plastic tableware is extended.

The exceptional and temporary regime of insurance contracts is also extended until September 30, 2021.

“Also within companies, given the difficulties experienced by entrepreneurs to meet the April 15 deadline for the approval and publication of the vacation map, that deadline is extended until May 15, 2021, regardless of the type of contract of I work in the cause ”, according to the decree-law.

It also provides the possibility that the general meetings of mercantile companies, cooperatives and associations, which take place by legal or statutory imposition, may be held until June 30, 2021 or, in the case of cooperatives and associations with more than 100 cooperatives or associates, until September 30.

Regarding social action, the period of stay in foster homes that ends before June 30 will be extended, allowing a response both from shelters and from emergency shelter situations that are part of the national support network for child victims of domestic violence.

“It is also necessary to support residential social responses regarding many of the preventive measures to combat the pandemic, providing for the extension of the duration of the protocols for conducting screening tests with third parties,” according to the decree.

In higher education, and “in the face of the suspension of face-to-face activities that have not been replaced by digital means”, the decree determines that “the periods that were suspended, determined by national or foreign public authority and that entities receiving scholarship holders, are not counted , up to a limit of two months, for the purposes of the maximum duration of research grants whose expected completion has occurred or will occur during the first quarter of 2021 ”.

In the field of fuel management work, the deadline is extended until May 15, 2021 for individuals, forest producers and land and infrastructure management entities to carry out fuel management work. The extension of the term is also determined, until May 31, 2021, for the approval or update of the Municipal Plans for the Defense of the Forest against Fires.
