Government claims to have yielded to BE 68 times, but blockers say there were only four – Observer


This afternoon begins the debate on the State Budgets for 2021, 12 hours of planned parliamentary debate spread over two days, with a basic novelty this year: the Left Bloc and the Government will appear back to back for the first time since 2015. And with sharp knives in the last hours before the debate. The Government alleges that in the entire budget negotiation process there were 68 issues in which the Bloc approached, in the party led by Catarina Martins it is argued that of the 35 proposals that were brought to the table, only 4 were accepted or addressed In its whole.

Now there is a set of changes negotiated between the parties already after the budget has been delivered that are in no man’s land. BE wants to go further and will present proposals for changes in this regard, which it knows will not be accompanied by the PS. The Government, which has considered going further on some issues, for now only admits to the Observer that it will evaluate these issues in detail. With or without BE.

In the Bloco de Esquerda, the perception, according to a party source, is that the government is “interested in giving a signal to the PCP that, in the specialty, everything the PS promises to give is from the PCP.” And he accuses the Government of having “invented negotiation topics” and of counting certain matters as profits for BE “Just because he considers them left-wing”.

The war is on, but what of all this can still result in changes in the State Budget and will focus much of the debate starting this Tuesday? We go in parts.

In Long list To which the Observer had access from the Executive, there are changes post-delivery of the Budget, the condition of resources in extraordinary support to the income of workers, that is, their non-application to those who lose their unemployment benefit in 2021, those who begin to receive the amount they received before having access to the subsidy up to the poverty line. And the exemption also applies to self-employed and managing partners of companies whose activity is prohibited by decision of the Government or competent authority due to the pandemic. For the self-employed, the Executive also wrote that it approached the BE by allowing the support not to be limited to 50% but to 67% of the fall in income, “which represents an increase of approximately 40% in the average benefit “, guarantees. .

The Government also complains of having accepted, after the delivery of the EO, to extend the time of application of the aid for economically dependent self-employed workers and for monthly domestic service workers. And even when the weighting of the children by the condition of the resources makes access to maintenance difficult, the family allowance is reinforced up to the third step.

But let’s go to To block, in this same matter. The party denounced that the condition of resources for access to the benefit had as reference the coverage of the entire household by the poverty line, without the usual penalty for minors. And before the reservation of the Government, he proposed that the Family home leave the condition of resources and that the unemployed with children can receive one more month of family allowance per semester. There was no follow-up, as well as talks on modifying the minimum benefit threshold and the party’s initial idea of ​​applying aid to “all workers who have lost income due to the crisis and do not have access to unemployment benefits.” It will return to the load in the specialty, guarantees the party.

It was another pillar in these negotiations when BE arrived at the meetings with the Government and went to the area with which Catarina Martins ended up justifying the vote against BE, last Sunday, criticizing the lack of progress in the negotiations. And your party had a heavy specs on this matter: he wanted more vacancies for medical specialties, autonomy from NHS institutions to hiring for vacant positions, create the auxiliary physician career, correct career transition of nurses and senior diagnostic technicians with the counting of the length of service, the full dedication regime for doctors and other NHS careers, a risk statute Y deprivation for health professionals and also the implementation of some measures that came from the previous Budget – in fact, criticism of the execution of that Budget was constant in the party at this stage of negotiation – especially at the level of contracting for the SNS .

The Government guarantees that it has acted to comfort BE by establishing, now in the last week, a Calendar “month to month” for the hiring of new professionals in the coming years (4,200 are expected in net terms) and that these positions “will correspond to full time.” It also claims to have complied with BE by increasing incentives to fill vacancies in needy areas.

The Budget says that an extraordinary risk subsidy has already been registered, as a counterproposal of BE after the Government refused to create a complete statute. And it also says that more than two thousand of the contracts for the NHS are permanent contracts, responding to BE’s criticism of the contractual instability in this central area. But at one point he puts this list down as a concession to the party some of his own projects (although they coincide with the wishes of the entire parliamentary left), such as the start of the construction of the new Hospital Central do Alentejo and the launch of the tender for the Hospital de Proximidade do Seixal. These are old promises from António Costa that have gone from budget to budget.

Aside from these issues, the Government is still preparing to shake the two-year moratorium on expiration of collective bargaining, although the intention of the BE (and also the PCP) is to put an end to it once and for all when it is decided unilaterally. Here they will discuss arguments about half or half the way. As well as in matters related to incentives to keep jobs, in which BE requested the prohibition of layoffs and what was achieved was that large companies with profits were only penalized in tax benefits (“investment that will not be there “, complaint BE) and access to guarantees for lines of credit.

In terms of employment protection, BE only admits as generalized gain the limitations that were made in the Budget for the rcontract innovations in temporary work. They go from six to three. But he says the government was inflexible on almost all issues, namely mandatory employment contracts with delivery platforms such as Uber or Glovo, extending the trial period or recovering 30 days of compensation per year of work. in the event of dismissal and termination of a fixed-term contract.

For its part, the Government denies inflexibility, and says that he tried to go to the BE, for example, in terms of protection in the trial period, by defining the compensation of two days per month when the contract had more than 120 days and also the reduction of 90 days for these workers they can access unemployment benefit. In addition to a more semantic issue, which is to remove the definition of “trial period” from the law, the term “person seeking first job” is being used.

Then comes the case of New bank, in which the Government says that it has gone as far as it has been able to define – contrary to what it says was its initial intention – that there will be no loan from the State to the Resolution Fund. BE affirms that this is the State to assume the commitment to transfer to Novo Banco in OE 2021 and undertakes to insist on this matter, leaving at this stage the part of its proposal in which it defended the direct capitalization of Novo Banco through banks and not the Resolution Fund.

The next 12 hours will set the tone for the war between the Government and the Left Bloc. In the end, in the first vote of OE 2021 that takes place this Wednesday, it is already known that BE will vote against. But nobody knows what will happen from now on, in the long process of specialization, the discussion and alteration of the proposals article by article, point a), which will only close at the end of November with a new vote. What happens there will be the responsibility of the Government, threatens the Left Bloc. In the Government, this same responsibility is placed on the blockers. A knot (blind?) In the old “contraption”.
