Government alerts 400 thousand companies for compulsory teleworking and mask


The Ministry of Labor sent an email to some 400,000 companies on Tuesday to warn about the mandatory nature of teleworking in municipalities with higher levels of risk and the use of a mask.

Approximately 400 thousand companies have been alerted today about current regulations regarding the obligation to implement teleworking in cases where the functions are compatible, if they are located in municipalities with ‘high’, ‘very high’ and ‘extremely high’. ‘”The Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security said in a statement.

In the same e-mail message sent by the Government, the mandatory use of a mask or visor in the workplace was also indicated, “whenever the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impractical.”

The ministry led by Ana Mendes Godinho reiterated that the Authority for Labor Conditions (ACT) will develop a national action to monitor compliance with both mandatory telework and the use of a mask or visor in the workplace.

Failure to comply with the aforementioned regulations constitutes an infraction, the ministry recalled, which also pointed out that a survey carried out last week to a group of companies concluded that they had 20% of their workers working teleworking.

The Prime Minister announced this Saturday that the Government will increase inspection actions to comply with teleworking and added that there has been “a major ruling” in cases where this type of work is possible.

According to the statement of the Council of Ministers, the Government decided to extend the scope of the teleworking regime to the municipalities considered by the General Health Directorate of high, very high risk and extreme risk (total of 213), as well as to workers who reside or they work there.

According to the executive leader, “there are many more people who are moving than those who should move”, if the telework obligation were being fulfilled in the municipalities with the highest risk of contagion.

According to the published diploma, “it is mandatory to adopt the teleworking regime, regardless of the employment relationship, provided that the functions in question allow it and the worker has the conditions to perform them, without the need for a written agreement between the employer and the worker.” .
