Government admits greater increase of the minimum wage for 2021


methese executive positions in matters such as the national minimum wage, to update “First charges” of the public administration and revision of labor laws, including issues such as severance pay and expiration of contracts. collective, were transmitted to the Lusa agency by the Minister of Labor, Ana Mendes Godinho.

“On the part of the Government, there is no taboo in relation to the Labor Code. The Labor Code is not a sacred and immutable fact,” said Ana Mendes Godinho.

According to the minister, the Government is working on the preparation of a “green book” on the future of work and next week will call the attention of the bases of the debate on this issue. concertation Social.

“There are issues on the table related to changes in digital transformation, new types of work relationships, and new ways to blur the boundaries between work time, work space, and personal and family life. These questions must be asked in view from concertation social and not make individual changes without the coherence of a general assessment, “he said, here in a demarcation before the legislative initiatives that have been presented by some parties in parliament.

Ana Mendes Godinho later said that Current The health, economic and social crisis showed that it is necessary to work on issues such as “the dynamism of contracting collective, e protection and balance in labor relations.

“With the social agents we want to make an assessment in global terms, especially since we already have a decade later in the Labor Code. Therefore, it is time to make this assessment,” he defended.

Regarding the schedule, “after the start with the launch of the bases for the discussion of the Green Paper on Labor Relations starting next week,” the Minister of Labor and Social Security said that “the objective The government will conclude the debate during 2021 in concertation Social”.

Asked about the moment when changes in labor legislation could come into force, Ana Mendes Godinho replied: “I think 2022 is a good time for us to have this evaluation.”

“The concern is that it is a transversal assessment, both to respond to the Current changes, but also the changes that can already be anticipated in relation to the future of the world of work, ”he insisted.

In the statements made to the Lusa agency, Ana Mendes Godinho also admitted that the Government can raise the proposal it has already made to increase the minimum wage from 635 to 659 euros. janeiro 2021, with the objective reach 750 euros at the end of the legislature.

“The figure for 2021 (23.75 euros more than in 2020) is not a closed figure. to update not defined because the discussion will take place in concertation Social. Even in Current In the context of the country, the Government is very concerned that an important role is given to the valuation of wages and family income, ”he said.

According to Ana Mendes Godinho, also with the intervention direct of the Minister of State and Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira, the executive is “looking for ways to accommodate an increase that goes beyond” the proposal on the table to raise the minimum wage to 559 euros “, but in simultaneousaneo help to companies is guaranteed through support “.

“We want to accommodate the increase so as not to affect competitiveness of companies and, on the other hand, guarantee a rebalancing in situations where companies have contracts with the State and have a strong component of workers with minimum wages ”, he explained.

The labor minister later stressed that the competence to set the minimum wage increase rests with the government after “the social partners are heard.”

“OR objective is to go further in the minimum wage, but ensuring that companies can adapt to the increase, not touching your competitiveness ”, he insisted.

Due direct From the evolution of the minimum wage, according to Ana Mendes Godinho, “there will necessarily be effects on the increase in wages in public services, which will be around one hundred thousand workers.”

“The Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration [Alexandra Leitão] is who follows this matter. But the Government does not exclude the possibility of introducing increases in the first remuneration positions of the public administration in the context of union negotiations ”, he added.

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